OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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This is funny. Nunes is threatening to impeach Rosenstein and others if they don't turn over documentation that he claims he needs in the Russia investigation. The same investigation the Republicans closed based on having enough facts to determine there was no collusion.
This is funny. Nunes is threatening to impeach Rosenstein and others if they don't turn over documentation that he claims he needs in the Russia investigation. The same investigation the Republicans closed based on having enough facts to determine there was no collusion.
Nothing strange there. No....
so border agents are forcing people back across the mexican border without cataloging them or processing them according to the law so that cheeto can say 'look the numbers are down since i took over and got tough on illegal entries'. typical criminality of this regime.

Video shows U.S. agents trying to dump injured man over Mexican border

"A video obtained by NBC News shows U.S. Border Patrol agents attempting to break international law by forcing an injured and mentally unstable man back into Mexico by falsely claiming that he is not in their custody, failing to identify him and assuming he is Mexican because "he looks like it."

"Without following the proper procedure, the agents had previously been unable to determine the man's identity, if he had a viable case for asylum or whether he had a criminal background."

"The breach of protocol would have also allowed CBP to avoid cataloging the apprehension in the agency's database — numbers that President Donald Trump has sought to drive down under his administration to show the rewards of his tough stance on immigration."
This is funny. Nunes is threatening to impeach Rosenstein and others if they don't turn over documentation that he claims he needs in the Russia investigation. The same investigation the Republicans closed based on having enough facts to determine there was no collusion.
the whole gop is nothing more than a circlejerkclusterfuck. they're all so wrapped up in being in power that they're getting in each others way and halting anything that remotely resembles progress in the country.
Pretty amazing to think that Tricky Dick was sent packing in a virtual heartbeat, and on what is by comparison... A grain of sand on the beach of Trump Fuckery®

Absolutely disgusting that his "party" is so desperately clinging to power that they will continue to look the other way no matter how high the mountain of shit piles up.

Watergate took a long time to materialize into a scandal that took down the president. And there were prominent GOP types (Bush I) who were defending him vehemently until about the time there turned out to be tapes proving he engaged in obstruction.

If Dean hadn’t developed a conscience/refused to play the patsy, Dick might have weathered the storm.
I have vivid memories of 20-something women getting misty-eyed about John Dean. '73, what a year:

so now, Tweeto's rantings and threats has caused Bolivia to call a UN Security Council emergency meeting over his threats to launch missles on Syria.
UN sanctions on the US, here we come!!

The Latest: Bolivia Seeks UN Meeting on Threats to Syria

"Bolivia has asked for emergency consultations of the U.N. Security Council on "the threats of unilateral military action" against Syria.

Bolivia's U.N. Ambassador Sacha Llorentty Soliz, who has supported Russia on Syria in council votes, said he requested a briefing from a senior U.N. official during closed consultations for Thursday morning.

Llorentty Soliz told reporters on Wednesday at U.N. headquarters that Bolivia asked for the meeting not based just on President Donald Trump's latest tweets that the United States will launch missiles at Syrian targets in response to the suspected chemical attack in a rebel-held suburb of Damascus.

He also cited escalating rhetoric and said "there's a consistency in his [trump's] threats."

Llorentty Soliz said Bolivia is concerned because any unilateral action would violate the U.N. Charter's principles and purposes."

so now, Tweeto's rantings and threats has caused Bolivia to call a UN Security Council emergency meeting over his threats to launch missles on Syria.
UN sanctions on the US, here we come!!

The Latest: Bolivia Seeks UN Meeting on Threats to Syria

"Bolivia has asked for emergency consultations of the U.N. Security Council on "the threats of unilateral military action" against Syria.

Bolivia's U.N. Ambassador Sacha Llorentty Soliz, who has supported Russia on Syria in council votes, said he requested a briefing from a senior U.N. official during closed consultations for Thursday morning.

Llorentty Soliz told reporters on Wednesday at U.N. headquarters that Bolivia asked for the meeting not based just on President Donald Trump's latest tweets that the United States will launch missiles at Syrian targets in response to the suspected chemical attack in a rebel-held suburb of Damascus.

He also cited escalating rhetoric and said "there's a consistency in his [trump's] threats."

Llorentty Soliz said Bolivia is concerned because any unilateral action would violate the U.N. Charter's principles and purposes."
Eh, who cares? The UN is obsolete, remember?
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