Mexican Mayonnaise Weiner Sandwich
I have owned a shield 9. I hated it. It does not fit my hand and actually physically hurt to shoot. That's a testament yo the shitty grips too though that Prages even mentioned. The 36 shouldnt be that much if any thicker than a shield 45. They're both single stacks. The 30, absolutely.I thought about getting a 36 at one point. It's pretty thick in comparison w/the shield in 45. I love glocks, don't get me wrong, but they all seem thick to me and can't seem to break that blocky mold. Glock, IMO, have never been too serious about concealment.
Curious if you've had a chance to check out a shield in 9mm? They are downright svelte.
M&P 9c, brilliant gun. I have long(er) fingers and large(er) hands. Tiny guns don't work for me really.
The Glock 43 even feels terrible in my hand. Just too small.
I carry a G29.
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