MWGL Photography thread II ( Continued)

@bsman I have some pictures from the abandoned house but I'll be damned if I can find the memory card.

I’d never seen it before, but we were staying with friends in Springfield Corners for part of the time, and since 14 is closed between Cross Plains and Black Earth, we took 19. I’d never been on that road before, and was pleased at some of the nice stuff we saw!
Ah man, I would have love to visited you.

You need to move, though. Shit is EXPENSIVE up your way.
And I live in the cheap area!!

Actually, there are some places in the tourist area that jack their prices up because...tourists.
A 10 minute drive will get you to the locals’ stores and stuff is reasonable.

My brother worked at a hotel right in The Falls and a guest got to talking to him about how expensive things were. The guy had bought a quart of milk and it was something ridiculous like 7 bucks.
Locals buy 3 litres of milk for about 4 bucks (at the time).

And gas is expensive. When the Canadian dollar is strong, it’s worth driving over the border to fill up. When it’s not strong, but you plan to be in the US, you plan to go with a close to empty tank.
Another cheater pic. Superimposed Hi-res over Med-res of the bridge collapse after the earthquake in Palu

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