Went to Wisconsin from 9/10-9/19 to visit family and friends. I didn't take my Canon EOS 40D, but rather a little Panasonic Lumix point-and-shoot. Some pictures - let me show you them:
Totally fudged the settings on my camera during our weekend away to Belfast and ruined tonnes of photos!!! This one turned out pretty cool if a bit abstract at the Giant's Causeway:
Was testing out my new lens and used the hood - the images definitely seem to have suffered around the edges and I feel they're under-exposed. Any thoughts / suggestions on how to mitigate this if I am using the hood?
Best thing is to make sure you are shooting in RAW then adjust the exposure in software. They look fine to me though. better to underexpose than over most of the time
Loch Lomond
Lurid Bolete
Fly Agaric
Winter Chanterelles, which I picked and have dried