The bike is/was a stock '79. Suzuki introduced their version of Yamaha's "MonoShock" with "Free Floater" single shock/swingarm assembly in 1981.
The forward mounted dual shock rear suspension went from '75-'80.
My Bike was heavily modified by the time I pretzeled it. My late sister's husband owned Coast Racing Products, was a hardcore speedfreak (no, not meth dammit!), and his buddy was Brock Glover's lead racing tech.
He would randomly stop by the house, put my bike in his truck, and bring it back a few days later somehow lighter and faster. It got to the point where Carlsbad Raceway banned me from the 125 class and made me race open class against all the big 4-stroke thumpers.
That was their mistake, since that track had very few straight sections where the Thumpers could blow my doors off. That track was ALL about getting OUT of each corner as quick as possible, which my bike being a super torquey two-stroke with a crazy racing clutch, port polish, heavily modded Mikuni, and some serious weight relief, did like a freaking rocket!
It was terrifyingly quick out of a turn, and while the big 4-stroke bikes were boooooging up to speed, I was long long gone and into the next turn.
I was universally hated there.
Pretty sure the regulars threw a party upon the news of my demise.