Finals week!
Today I just have my Jazz Improv final:
Dec 13 - Playing Final at 9:30
"Blues by Five," "Mack the Knife" and "A Train"
THEN: a Written Final - be able to identify and create ii-V7-I's in any key.
spell any chords in the context of ii-V-I's. Also- Listening on all material that is active on Titanium. (more on this later)
See previous exam up on Titanium.
Also - individual - be able to play downward resolutions to 1 and 3 on a ii-V7-I on any of the ii-V-Is in either tune. (Keys of Bb, C, D)
be able to play: all of melodies from above, all chords from the tunes, all scales from the tunes, and connect 3 - 7 from the tunes
Nothing too difficult.
Tomorrow is Music Theory which I should be just fine with. All of my test scores in that class have been between 94% and 98%. I'm just going to practice on the review sheet she gave us today. Then my piano final which is a solo piano piece, sight reading and harmonization.
Thursday is Musicianship where I have to sing a prepared melody with lots of intervallic jumps (all in a major scale though) and sightsing a simple melody. On top of all of this I have three essays to write for my American Character class due on Friday and my jury is Wednesday afternoon. I also have to go to my Choir class during finals time for some reason on that day even though there is no test and we've already turned in our music.
Did I mention we were also closing on a refi of our house this week too? And a couple of other distractions familywise that are pretty significant but not for sharing. Can't wait for Friday evening to get here.