I've got 2 sets of Sliders. 1 59 SRV and The 69 Woodstocks. I haven't used the 69's yet because I haven't yet built the guitar they will go in but I dropped the SRV's into a Strat that I'd already made and they are great. Along side the other guy I mention in this post, One of the truest most authentic classic Strat tone's I've heard yet. They just sound like the very best of the best versions of Strat PUP's made over the years. They're great clean, they're great driven, they don't cloud up anywhere in the frequency range, they just bloody work and it's a very attractive vintage Strat tone! Cant put it better than that.
Being an Aussie, I'm in the loop to other winders here in Oz and there is another killer who is hand winding SUPER like for like stuff of the authentic nature and dare I say it, his PUP's are even better than Sliders (To my taste). His name is Mick Brierly and I've got his ACE 50's set, actually, I've got 3 sets and they are a 59 knock off and Oh My God they are F'kin great! Really meaty, not at all muddy even though they are super popping and Fat. I personally think they sound a lot like Hendrix or Fruciante's Strats but someone said to me the other night hearing my guitar, that it sounds like Claptons Strat in 68. I'm actually not familiar with his vintage Strat days, I only know him from that period with Cream and his LP's. Either way, Sliders or Brierly's and your tone search stops with a set of either, trust me.
I'm not affiliated with anyone at all so there is no bias for one or another, I'm just a tone searcher like y'all that was blessed enough to happen upon two of the best PUP makers out there, doing the best version of the classic tone thing we all hope we'll find in our lifetime so I want to share my findings with other guitarist's in the hopes they will get their guitars sounding the way they want them to..