I think I've just heard the best strat replacement pickup ever this morning.

Mark Wein

Grand Poobah
Staff member
I had a new student come in with a somewhat relic'd partscaster but even through my amps here in my office it sounded incredible. Exactly how I'd like my strats to sound but have never gotten there. Turns out they are a bootikee sort of pickup call "Sliders" from some guy in Australia. All I can find so far is a set of used ones on eBay: http://compare.ebay.com/like/281116635349?var=lv&ltyp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar

I'm having a serious issue right now not buying them and replacing the neck and middle pickups in my McFeely.
This guy has some clips/reviews on youtube. I have to admit, they sound fantastic in these clips. The 69 set is :love:

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Because they are Australian, the current flows counter-clockwise around the pick up windings, resulting in enhanced tonal and harmonic response when played in the northern hemisphere. Down under, they just sound like normal strat pups.

Conversely, if you take your Squier Affinity Strat down to Melbourne, you'll sound like a rock God!
Because they are Australian, the current flows counter-clockwise around the pick up windings, resulting in enhanced tonal and harmonic response when played in the northern hemisphere. Down under, they just sound like normal strat pups.

Conversely, if you take your Squier Affinity Strat down to Melbourne, you'll sound like a rock God!

That makes total sense to me. :thu:
I haven't had time to listen to any videos yet. I've just never had someone plug in and play here in my office and get that sound. And this is not a pro level player or anything...
Whoa!..they sound great in the vids. Kinman (my favourite Strat pickups) are Australian too, so there's clearly something about the geography.
Man. The videos have a bit of "hostage reading a manifesto on camera" vibe when he's talking but the sound in the top video with the white strat when he's playing all the hendrix is what I'm talking about. There's a bit of "bigness" and "woodyness" that I don't get from most strat pickups. The Suhr v60lps are a little smaller sounding and even a bit more modern sounding.
I'm going to hide my wallet for the rest of the weekend or wait until my students lesson next Saturday and se if I can play his guitar through my live rig a bit.
I really dig the 69s and the 59s. Good find Mark. Way to run up the forums credit cards. :grin:
They sound amazing. That guy in the vids is a pretty decent player, but he's keeping everything nice and simple and letting the pickups talk.

I've actually been thinking about replacing the Texas Specials in my SRV sig recently... those 69s really have the sound I'm looking for...

I'm a big fan of Bareknuckles (and my tech gets them for me trade price...) but these sound awesome....

I think you should buy a set and post some demos...
OK, watched all videos.

It helps that the guy playing is a great player, but there are definitely great tones coming from that guitar. I suspect if I played it, it would sound just like... me.
It's that can of "Magic Pickup" spray in the lower right of the first video. You big dummies!

Get that!

It's available on my website; "As Seen On Youtube!"