How many guitars do you NEED?

You forgot the banjo...
I have an old cheap 5-string!

It was my Dad’s. He bought it back in the 80s, bought a couple of books and would sit in the kitchen practicing banjo rolls. He finally gave up and gave it to me. He didn’t have the ear for it and could never tune it, or worse yet, couldn’t tell when it was out of tune. It’s been in its case ever since.
Gary Blanchard said:
You forgot the banjo...

I have an old cheap 5-string!

Me too.

I gotcha covered!

Precisely this many + n, where n is an integer between 1 and 10.

To be fair, I need exactly none of them, but I don't buy things based on need. All my needs are fully met, as are those of the family, and those of the future, so what I blow my money on for fun is pretty much just up to me.
I've always wanted a Steinberger.
I've always wanted a Steinberger.

I'm lucky enough to have a couple of them, the GL cricket bat model and a really rare GS model in the second rack space. The GS was steinberger's attempt at a super strat. It has the composite neck, with a headstock, and a trans-trem unit/active pre-amp. I bought both of them pretty much when they were strange 80's guitars no one wanted and at the bottom of their price range.
“The sneer of cold command’s bigger than the shattered visage, it doesn’t make any sense!”
“You could fold it?”