Give me something to watch on Netflix

Oh my god, Schitt's Creek. Why did no one tell me?
Chris has traditionally been a hard sell over the years for me too. He's got a dark angle to everything and I'm usually drawn to that but with him it's often tough to get on board.

Daniel Levy is the one who's killing me. And of course Catherine O'Hara is a goddamn treasure.

O’Hara’s diction on some words is just fucking genius.
Yeah, the early Letterman appearances are where I first became aware of him. I enjoyed him in that context but I'm not familiar with Get a Life.

I haven’t seen it since it was actually on tv, but I remember Get A Life being awesome. I loved his appearances on Letterman.
I made myself slog through The Man in the High Castle and I finally finished last night. I wanted to like it much more than I did.
I made myself slog through The Man in the High Castle and I finally finished last night. I wanted to like it much more than I did.

I liked the first season. By the time the second season rolled around America resembled a facist dystopia enough that I didn’t want to see a TV show about a fascist dystopia.
I've thoroughly enjoyed Man In The High Castle. Nearly finished, 4th season as been great so far.
Fred Durst's new movie starring John Travolta is now on Prime. Have at it.


I hated the final season of Schitt's Creek. I was really surprised to hate it so much.

It feels like they hired writers from Big Bang Theory or Two and a Half Men or something. And lost interest in selling any of the on-screen jokes or dialogue. Nothing really special or unique about it anymore.

The same happened to Trailer Park Boys I guess. Watching Trailer Park Boys outside the park (and the cartoon) it's almost surreal-y bad. After being consistent for a long time, that is kind of a disappointment.
I hated the final season of Schitt's Creek. I was really surprised to hate it so much.

It feels like they hired writers from Big Bang Theory or Two and a Half Men or something. And lost interest in selling any of the on-screen jokes or dialogue. Nothing really special or unique about it anymore.

The same happened to Trailer Park Boys I guess. Watching Trailer Park Boys outside the park (and the cartoon) it's almost surreal-y bad. After being consistent for a long time, that is kind of a disappointment.

There's one more season of Schitt's Creek to go. It starts in January I think.
You know, I'm not sure if I'd raise my hopes of intellectualism for shows entitled "Schitt's Creek" and "Trailer Park Boys."
Started watching True Detective season 3 last night, I've watched the first two episodes so far.

Excellent so far, it reminds me much more of season 1 with McConaughey & Harrelson, than the lacklustre season 2 with Farrell & McAdams.
