Give me something to watch on Netflix

Yes, we also enjoyed I am Mother and the Miley episode of Black Mirror. Haven't watched the other two episodes yet....

.... because Jessica Jones Season 3 dropped. :grin:

Loved it. The first season of JJ is my favorite of all of the Netflix/Marvel heroes... but the second was a little bit of a let down (still better than both seasons of Iron Fist though). This third season is a return to form and the villain is spectacularly creepy and fucked up. Forewarning.... If you find Trish Walker annoying (as my wife does) you may take issue with several Trish-centric episodes, but the way things tie together are pretty cool.

It's a shame that a) none of the show runners knew the cancellation were coming to join forces for one last movie or abbreviated final lap and b) that they had to be cancelled at all. From what I understand it would be extremely difficult to bring the shows back as they are on the Disney Streaming service. I'm hoping that they can come up with something like "Heroes For Hire" and bring back Jessica, Luke, Iron Fist, Daredevil, and the side characters into one comprehensive Hell's Kitchen world.

It was entertaining. But the Trish plot did not work for me at all. Still entertaining, and I’ll give them credit for having planted a few seeds back in S2... but it just didn’t work.
Do not watch The Lobster.

was pretty good. Probably not for everyone, but I liked it. The entire movie is one guy driving in his car and talking to various people on the phone while his entire life is falling apart.

Brilliant film (The Lobster) Saw it when it came out at the theatre, went with a film director friend of mine. We both enjoyed it.

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Yes, we also enjoyed I am Mother and the Miley episode of Black Mirror. Haven't watched the other two episodes yet....

.... because Jessica Jones Season 3 dropped. :grin:

Loved it. The first season of JJ is my favorite of all of the Netflix/Marvel heroes... but the second was a little bit of a let down (still better than both seasons of Iron Fist though). This third season is a return to form and the villain is spectacularly creepy and fucked up. Forewarning.... If you find Trish Walker annoying (as my wife does) you may take issue with several Trish-centric episodes, but the way things tie together are pretty cool.

It's a shame that a) none of the show runners knew the cancellation were coming to join forces for one last movie or abbreviated final lap and b) that they had to be cancelled at all. From what I understand it would be extremely difficult to bring the shows back as they are on the Disney Streaming service. I'm hoping that they can come up with something like "Heroes For Hire" and bring back Jessica, Luke, Iron Fist, Daredevil, and the side characters into one comprehensive Hell's Kitchen world.

Just finished JJ season 3 last night. I think it was my favorite season. The first one was good, David Tennant, is great, but the whole it took them the entire season to realize he could be beaten with a pair of ear buds was hard to get passed for me. This villain was pretty freakin creepy which made it good. After watching the final episode, it seemed pretty clear they had no idea it was getting dropped. I think they setup season 4 nicely. It would be nice if the streaming service could bring the shows back. The could recast Iron Fist and find a better writer for Luke Cage, but JJ and Daredevil were very solid and I say that as being someone who really dislikes Krysten Ritter.
Finished season 9 of Trailer Park Boys, not quite sure if I really liked the season, so many shit characters, but I really loved the inclusion of Willy Goat.

Stranger Things Season 3 was an absolute trainwreck and total disappointment. I had really high hopes and expectations going in. The long, long time between seasons 2 and 3 should have given everyone involved the opportunity to really do something special. Instead, we got 8 episodes of tired old tropes, countless cliches, and perhaps the laziest effort ever put to such a project. Seriously WTF? No imagination, no originality, no reason to ever watch a potential 4th season. Garbage. I'd be embarrassed to put my name on that shit heap.

Sent from a van down by the river.
I see Love Death + Robots was mentioned...

It is great IF you were a fan of Heavy Metal magazine. Every episode reminded me of Heavy Metal and some gave me very major Heavy Metal dejavu. I loved it. If there were 50 episodes I would have watched them all.
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It’s hbo, not Netflix, but Chernobyl was a great minisieries. The deadwood movie was ok but just left me wanting more episodes rather than a movie.

Speaking of miniseries and hbo, probably a good time to dust off From the Earth to the Moon
Stranger Things Season 3 was an absolute trainwreck and total disappointment. I had really high hopes and expectations going in. The long, long time between seasons 2 and 3 should have given everyone involved the opportunity to really do something special. Instead, we got 8 episodes of tired old tropes, countless cliches, and perhaps the laziest effort ever put to such a project. Seriously WTF? No imagination, no originality, no reason to ever watch a potential 4th season. Garbage. I'd be embarrassed to put my name on that shit heap.

Sent from a van down by the river.

I’m only a couple episodes into the new Stranger Things and it’s kinda lame. They should have made Steve Harrington the focus—he should be trying to relive his brief monster-fighting glory because he’s now a schlub working at the mall. He should be pestering the Goonies to get back together and “investigating” a whole bunch of spooky shit that doesn’t pan out until he hits on a real threat and they have to reluctantly get the gang back together.

Everyone should be OVER it except for Steve who is stuck reliving his one moment of youthful glory as his life gets depressing.
Finished Stranger Things and totally dug it...don’t understand the dislike, and maybe I have no chops whatsoever as a critic, but I did like it and looking forward to Stranger Things 4
S1 of Stranger Things worked because it has 7 hours of scared geeky kids hanging out before we saw a monster for 1 hour.

After that, it’s monster this, monster that, we know exactly what we’re getting, and we’re not getting any of the chill hang-out sessions which made S1 endearing. No hang-outs, just boring Scooby Doo shit.

It’s like going from Jaws to Jaws 3D, but not as jarringly so.

Even so, I liked it better than the 2nd season, and the ice cream shop scenes worked well.
Finished Stranger Things and totally dug it...don’t understand the dislike, and maybe I have no chops whatsoever as a critic, but I did like it and looking forward to Stranger Things 4

It’s a sitcom/soap at this point. Viewers are only invested because the characters are familiar. I mean, some of the performances are nice, but even for a show that’s built on pastiche there’s not much there there.