You don't deserve koa.
Yes, we also enjoyed I am Mother and the Miley episode of Black Mirror. Haven't watched the other two episodes yet....
.... because Jessica Jones Season 3 dropped.
Loved it. The first season of JJ is my favorite of all of the Netflix/Marvel heroes... but the second was a little bit of a let down (still better than both seasons of Iron Fist though). This third season is a return to form and the villain is spectacularly creepy and fucked up. Forewarning.... If you find Trish Walker annoying (as my wife does) you may take issue with several Trish-centric episodes, but the way things tie together are pretty cool.
It's a shame that a) none of the show runners knew the cancellation were coming to join forces for one last movie or abbreviated final lap and b) that they had to be cancelled at all. From what I understand it would be extremely difficult to bring the shows back as they are on the Disney Streaming service. I'm hoping that they can come up with something like "Heroes For Hire" and bring back Jessica, Luke, Iron Fist, Daredevil, and the side characters into one comprehensive Hell's Kitchen world.
It was entertaining. But the Trish plot did not work for me at all. Still entertaining, and I’ll give them credit for having planted a few seeds back in S2... but it just didn’t work.