And yet another attempt at showing just how superior you are when you compare yourself to others. There are different worlds (or world views, if you please), but you know that. You are merely attempting, again, to show how superior your intellect, and empathy is, compared to us mere heathens who refuse to ascribe to labeling others according to race, sexual preference, creed, etc...
What, exactly, was your intent of this thread other than to show how morally correct, and intellectually superior you are in comparison to others? Despite your protestations to the contrary, you are, indeed, attempting to wield your moral and intellectual authority with this thread. If anyone responded to your thread with condemnation of homosexuality you would have chastised them. If anyone responded to your thread in any way but like-minded, simpering support, you would have done as you are doing: Telling them that they "Don't get it...", as you have done with your response to my post.
You labelled musicians, not I, and you respond to posts not with actual answers, but with questions and self-serving proclamations that are childish attempts to evade and hopefully throw doubt in the mind of the poster you are answering. Unfortunately, most, if not all, of your responses only show the shallow depths at which your original post comes from. You can answer with nothing more than feeble responses prettied up to appear intelligent.
Yes, your thread is ridiculous and only deserves responses dripping with contempt for your facile effort at showing your Progressive, ( I capitalize the word when referring to ignorant zealots who proselytize social change out of a pressing need to fit in with a clique they desperately want to be a part of), "inclusive" ethos.
Ilie Nastase!