just got my order of 1/2 lb Dagon and 1/2 lb Old Scratch...I decided to try the Dagon first . mmmmmm,mmmmm (<<<<<that's my review

Really great cup though and I'll definitely be buying more. I've been doing the mail order coffee thing since 1997 in fact that was some of the firsat stuff I did on the internets....search for coffee. I've ordered from small local independants throughout the PNW, British Columbia, S.F, Chicago, all over and my goto now is Old Bisbee Coffee Roasters in Bisbee, AZand Adventure Coffee Roasting in Tucson. I like to think I know great coffee.
Your coffee is right up there with any of them (and you got the best packaging...love the artwork, etc) but a damn fine cup of joe is what it's about in the end and you got that!
Right from the bag into the Solis burr grinder
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set to 12 out of 18....a medium grind
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in the Aeropress and it sat for two minutes and then a thirty second push through :snooty:
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end result (a dman fine cup) I suck at descriptions but let's just say it's a n ice mouthfeel..
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