Coffee Madness!

I can't do the upside-down method with the Aeropress. It doesn't give me enough coffee :embarrassed: I like about 12 oz., so I do it right-side up and let the coffee drip until I can get the full 12oz. of water in it. Then I put the plunger in and pull back on it to get that vacuum seal so it stops dripping thru, and I let it sit for a couple of minutes before plunging.
I'll give that a try. What I do with the UD is to add hot water to it when it's plunged , like an americano
I've had kopi luwak a couple times. Never bought it myself and I probably never would but it was an interesting coffee
just got my order of 1/2 lb Dagon and 1/2 lb Old Scratch...I decided to try the Dagon first . mmmmmm,mmmmm (<<<<<that's my review :wink: )

Really great cup though and I'll definitely be buying more. I've been doing the mail order coffee thing since 1997 in fact that was some of the firsat stuff I did on the for coffee. I've ordered from small local independants throughout the PNW, British Columbia, S.F, Chicago, all over and my goto now is Old Bisbee Coffee Roasters in Bisbee, AZand Adventure Coffee Roasting in Tucson. I like to think I know great coffee.
Your coffee is right up there with any of them (and you got the best the artwork, etc) but a damn fine cup of joe is what it's about in the end and you got that!

Right from the bag into the Solis burr grinder
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set to 12 out of 18....a medium grind

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in the Aeropress and it sat for two minutes and then a thirty second push through :snooty:

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end result (a dman fine cup) I suck at descriptions but let's just say it's a n ice mouthfeel..

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I am perplexed by your use of the Aeropress.
I am perplexed by your use of the Aeropress.
I think the inverted is the more popular method. It was one of the first videos i saw when googling how to use the Aeropress.
I think the AP is a versatile "machine" though in that one can use it a variety of ways and methods to get different coffees. it's a perfect example of a minimalist tool. it is simple perfection that just works :wink:
I am perplexed by your use of the Aeropress.

Oh BTW I do plan to order more coffee from you but just kinda waiting till things get a bit more back to normal...another reason is that after like 15 years of the same mailman I got a new one back around january and he was a clusterfuck of fail so i didn't want to order anything for fear of it getting undelivered. I believe it is a different guy now but I was literally afraid to order anything by USPS as he was totally unreliable. My new new guy (knock on wood) seems to be good again and so far with about 6 orders via USPS he has not failed.
I think the inverted is the more popular method. It was one of the first videos i saw when googling how to use the Aeropress.
I think the AP is a versatile "machine" though in that one can use it a variety of ways and methods to get different coffees. it's a perfect example of a minimalist tool. it is simple perfection that just works :wink:
Hrmm...I'll have to look for that.

I've always used it as the directions specify. Makes a fine cuppa joe.
Hrmm...I'll have to look for that.

I've always used it as the directions specify. Makes a fine cuppa joe.

Screen Shot 2020-04-19 at 6.59.38 AM.png
At this point I kill a half pot before I wake up, so for the most part we're using a regular drip machine. I do try to keep us stocked in freshly roasted beans though, as I feel that makes a HUGE difference, as well as your water. We're lucky to have pretty good tasting well water, if a little iron-y at times. I should get back in the habit of doing the Aeropress on the weekends though, when I've got the time.
I'm a french press guy, but one of my favorite Youtube channels, Technology Connections, just posted a video about the worst way to make coffee: The Percolator!

I didn't watch the entire video, but I agree with him. I had a friend who was into the whole 50s kitsch thing. He would buy giant cans of Folgers and brew his coffee in a stovetop percolator. His coffee was always burnt.

I blade grind Costco beans and use a Cuisinart drip maker. That's about as involved as I can get in the morning. Still makes better coffee than Starbucks.
OK, so I tried the inverted method this morning. Made a nice cuppa joe.

Better than the standard method? :shrug:
For quite a while I was using this (courtesy of Stanford Blood Center for ten donations in 2018):


However, even that was too time-consuming and complicated, so I've simplified:

I have a one-cup drip cone that I used until I got my aeropress. Makes a nice cup.

I generally only have one cup a day, so I only need to make one cup at a time.
I drink one of these (two on special occasions) every day (16oz). Coffee tastes better in a Rainforest Cafe mug (FYI, I've never been to a Rainforest cafe and have no idea where my mug came from...)
