I like that message and tone overall. His statement that they have to go home and that they are not welcome is tricky though. 1st Amendment right to PEACEFULLY assemble still exists for all. Not saying these d-bags were engaged in that. Lines are easily crossed, and IMO, were here. In theory, however, there could be some who harbor these views that do not engage in this behavior. It gets into a study of
Brandenburg v. Ohio. Violence, and the inciting of violence, and where is that line is the question.
Link to full opinion and other useful resources here:
Discussion here:
And of course, the wiki on it.
So this these douches wish to peacefully congregate and state their views, they have a right to do so. But to incite violence, intimidate and harass others exercising their right of protest or otherwise (burning crosses, molotov cocktails at churches, etc.), is not to be allowed.