cats crack me up


I can haz a pensive?
Obi brought a live mouse into the house last night to show us what a good Hunter he was... Then promptly let it scurry from his grasps and disappear. Damnit. Still haven't found it.

Morty never turned up. I'm afraid he's gone for good. He was still a baby, and the most people friendly, affectionate cat I've ever had. I really miss that little orange furball.
Obi brought a live mouse into the house last night to show us what a good Hunter he was... Then promptly let it scurry from his grasps and disappear. Damnit. Still haven't found it.

Morty never turned up. I'm afraid he's gone for good. He was still a baby, and the most people friendly, affectionate cat I've ever had. I really miss that little orange furball.

That hurts. Hopefully he adopted another family.