Cargo shorts

Crocs are bad, but flip flops on public transportation are worse.

If you want to throw away $50-76 bucks on a pair of shorts, more power to you. I’d rather buy the union bay Costco shorts ($12, and stretchy, not baggy) and save the rest for spending on something fun.

Really ? I just checked Costco and it says 98 percent cotton and 2 percent spandex.If that's stretchy to you then more power to you : wink : Do those even have a gusseted crotch (i.e ...a non guillotine for yer "boys"). Have you ever worn pants/ shorts with gusset? If you have you would know the difference. I also have shorts and whatnot still in good condition from ten years ago that retain their look...value over the long haul, less waste (not throw away).

While we're at it can you tell me w in tf a Fender is so much more costwise than a Squire affinity? They look alike.

I mean 12 dollars...really? (I'm serious here) you can't hardly even buy lunch for 12 dollars. A pizza cost more than 12 dollars. a printer ink cartridge cost more than those shorts....A package of beef jerky for crying out loud :facepalm: Do you Buy keystone beer or do you buy something different. If you buy something different WHY ? I mean it's beer right?
I'm middle-aged, I get to wear cargo shorts. Just not while playing guitar on a stage. Don't do that.
Unless you are vedder. But even he doesn't any more.

I have moved on most of the time to the "hybrid" shorts by companies like O'Neil, Billabong, etc. with non-cargo pockets.

But I still wear cargo shorts at home for yard work, and have some cargo style shorts I wear mountain biking, that hold stuff like keys and etc. nicely where tighter stuff does not, and still provide the freedom of movement I want on my mountain bike. But, if you believe the Bike Snob, mountain bikers are insufferable because they wear cargo shorts, sometimes in camo colors, and listen to Pearl Jam. Guilty as charged.

And sometimes I still do just put on some regular cargo shorts just because. I am 55.

@DdBob edited.
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Really ? I just checked Costco and it says 98 percent cotton and 2 percent spandex.If that's stretchy to you then more power to you : wink : Do those even have a gusseted crotch (i.e ...a non guillotine for yer "boys"). Have you ever worn pants/ shorts with gusset? If you have you would know the difference. I also have shorts and whatnot still in good condition from ten years ago that retain their look...value over the long haul, less waste (not throw away).

While we're at it can you tell me w in tf a Fender is so much more costwise than a Squire affinity? They look alike.

I mean 12 dollars...really? (I'm serious here) you can't hardly even buy lunch for 12 dollars. A pizza cost more than 12 dollars. a printer ink cartridge cost more than those shorts....A package of beef jerky for crying out loud :facepalm: Do you Buy keystone beer or do you buy something different. If you buy something different WHY ? I mean it's beer right?

You willingly eat Domino's. You're not exactly on the high ground here. :tongue:
We're getting a car after we move. Still, you said "nothing is worse" and of course, there's always something worse. :tongue:

Not even Eddie Vedder.
Comment edited above. But yeah, he even doesn't.

But, if you are a shameless Dad hack, you might not care what anyone thinks and rock out dressed however you want, even if allowed on some stage. Given that I have some small modicum of shame, and hope to be a little better at guitar than the worst of the Dad hacks, I would avoid cargo shorts on stage for any future engagements. However, if hot enough, some kind of shorts might be worn.
You willingly eat Domino's. You're not exactly on the high ground here. :tongue:
I'd rather spend my money on quality food and once in a while when I don't feel like going to the store after work or i have no food at the house i can order a Dominos pizza and have it here in twenty minutes ...beside that Dominos fixes roads...that's more than our states and counties do cop0

I’d still wear flip flops on the subway before I ever put crocs on my feet :embarrassed:
I have a mesquite tree in the backyard and i stepped on on of the thorns last week...teh bastards are about 3mm thick and 2-3 inches long. i was wearing my Crocs and it went through the sole and just broke the skin. had I been wearing flip flops i would be in the hospital right now :mad:
I'd rather spend my money on quality food and once in a while when I don't feel like going to the store after work or i have no food at the house i can order a Dominos pizza and have it here in twenty minutes ...beside that Dominos fixes roads...that's more than our states and counties do cop0


I'm glad people's terrible taste is helping to fix the roads. Domino's tastes like asphalt, so it makes sense.