Mediocringly Derivative
He had a stint with the Colts-Astros also...
And the Rangers.
He had a stint with the Colts-Astros also...
One of the finest people to ever play the game...RIP Rusty Staub.
I'm not a sentimental guy, and certainly not for celebrities, but even I have my moments. Rusty Staub wasn't just a Met. He gave his time and charity to every cause in NYC, and became a champion for police and firefighters and their families. after 9/11.
Today is a tough day.
Lead off batter George Springer hits a dinger on the third pitch? #nohangover
Fangraphs says they're gonna miss the playoffs. 538 says they'll finish 4th with a losing record.
well well we'll....Looks like the Giants are 1 -0 !!!!!!11! *spits*
Hope is dumb.why do you hate HOPE :(
Kershaw got shut out! Way to start the season.well well we'll....Looks like the Giants are 1 -0 !!!!!!11! *spits*
Hope is dope, but you can't smoke it.Hope is dumb.
I wasn't expecting this last night.
I wasn't expecting this last night.