From what I could tell, they are on good terms now. The irony was too hard to pass up.Between the Yuli stupidness and the way the Astros shelled him, I think he may be permanently damaged.

From what I could tell, they are on good terms now. The irony was too hard to pass up.Between the Yuli stupidness and the way the Astros shelled him, I think he may be permanently damaged.
Darvish was tipping his pitches.
He should be back to his old self in no time.
Also, the Longoria trade is terrible. He doesn’t want to go and the Giants won’t be any better with him.
He's better than a 300 lb Panda.
Just wait until he hits the 60 day DL.
Hence, it’s a terrible trade.Like Panda won't already be there?
Not thrilled about losing Arroyo.
Well, not every player wants to be traded, so he can suck it up like the rest of the league. Maybe actually seeing fans in the stands will soften the sting. TB had the lowest attendance in the majors last year, while SF had the 3rd highest despite having a horrid year. Fuck him if he's a whiny bitch though, he can grab some pine and wonder why Panda is starting.
As for the actual trade, I'm thinking they cannot be done. Dumping Span and Arroyo probably had to happen to get the deal done to shore up 3rd, which was a problem the last 2 years. Yeah, theoretically the infield is set (assuming Belt is OK), but the outfield and bullpen need help, and starting pitching is going to be a big question mark. Again.
But it's baseball, where anything can happen.
Well, to be honest they sucked for a good part of 2 of their 3 WS seasons. And, the Dodgers looked invincible for most of the last 5 seasons yet only made the show once despite winning the division consistently. Then, they tanked when it counted. That's why they play all 162+ games. Bring it, we thrive on torture.
I think they have luxury tax issues or something.
Slightly out of date since the aforementioned trade, but the numbers are not good for this year.
Still, not a lot of money left to fix the outfield & bullpen. We have to keep Melancon, who was a steaming pile of shit instead of the savior he was brought in to be. But yeah, I see why the Longoria deal made financial sense. If they dump panda, they can use his salary for post game pizza for the rest of the team.
Not going to happen, at least not this year.
And this, right here, is why I'm done with the Mets.
Fuck you, Fred.