Backing Track Jam!


ok, so I made up the part about you punching my mother...but you might want to after you listen to the clip biggrin
thredlok said:
all right here's take #2 now with 20% less clams.

I got rid of the chorus (cuz mark said he'd punch my mother if I ever posted another lead tone with chorus) and added some wah!

let me know if this is any better biggrin

Nice! I like this one alot better. I like that there is something of a thing I notice is that it seems like most of your lines seem to go "down"...
rocklegend0407 said:
my sloppy take...

I've been dieing for days to post something and I gotta go to church...

I post this telling you there are errors all over the place...I will defiinatly post a better one after church...



about halfway through I was just going to write a post asking you not to end all of your phrases on the root tongue0

The second half had some really nice ideas, though...I'm looking forweard to your next pass...good stuf!
markwein said:
thredlok said:
all right here's take #2 now with 20% less clams.

I got rid of the chorus (cuz mark said he'd punch my mother if I ever posted another lead tone with chorus) and added some wah!

let me know if this is any better biggrin

Nice!  I like this one alot better.  I like that there is something of a thing I notice is that it seems like most of your lines seem to go "down"...

Do't get all "Freudian" on me Wein! I'm just a bad guitar player biggrin
telecaster911 said:
OK, I finally had a minute to sit down and drop one in.  I'm actually pretty happy, got it in one take. AOK  Usually I do 3 and pick the best one (after much deliberation as to which one is actually the best one biggrin ).  Added a little reverb, doubled the track and here you go.

Very cool! I like how you play "in the pocket"....
telecaster911 said:
OK, I finally had a minute to sit down and drop one in.  I'm actually pretty happy, got it in one take. AOK  Usually I do 3 and pick the best one (after much deliberation as to which one is actually the best one biggrin ).  Added a little reverb, doubled the track and here you go.

Hot damn baby! that was tu-be-licious! drool0

What did you use on that clip????
That was a VOX AD100VTH head, boutique clean setting. Direct out of the back of the amp into my interface. And a strat, neck pup. AOK
telecaster911 said:
That was a VOX AD100VTH head, boutique clean setting. Direct out of the back of the amp into my interface. And a strat, neck pup. AOK

Very nice tone, my hat is off O0
markwein said:
rocklegend0407 said:
my sloppy take...

I've been dieing for days to post something and I gotta go to church...

I post this telling you there are errors all over the place...I will defiinatly post a better one after church...



about halfway through I was just going to write a post asking you not to end all of your phrases on the root  tongue0

The second half had some really nice ideas, though...I'm looking forweard to your next pass...good stuf!

I'll experiment with that...thanks!