Backing Track Jam!

I'm going to try to play around with this one. Not listening to everyone else's take yet, or I'm sure I'll be intimidated and might not want to try it. I'll see what I can come up with for a few days, then maybe see if I can record something worth saving.

Right, so far I've listened to:

Mark - :eek: 'nuff said.

Prages - Lovely, nice phrasing, liked that take a lot :thu:

Tele911 - Very tasty! :thu:..nice articulation as well.
I'm really enjoying playing along with this, might be a few more days before I get a chance to do any recording. Really looking forward to hearing everyone's take on it, but I'm going to wait until after I've tried to do something with it. Hopefully might get a day off the first part of next week, and get a chance to hook everything up & try recording something.
I'm really enjoying playing along with this, might be a few more days before I get a chance to do any recording. Really looking forward to hearing everyone's take on it, but I'm going to wait until after I've tried to do something with it. Hopefully might get a day off the first part of next week, and get a chance to hook everything up & try recording something.

Looking forward to it!
Haven't forgotten this, my "few more days" has turned into a couple of months, but still would like to give it a try, and Chihli's backing track as well. Just can't seem to come up with anything I think is worth keeping, especially after hearing what the rest of you guys did. Have a couple days off this weekend, finally, and will do my best to try again and see if I have any better luck.
Haven't forgotten this, my "few more days" has turned into a couple of months, but still would like to give it a try, and Chihli's backing track as well. Just can't seem to come up with anything I think is worth keeping, especially after hearing what the rest of you guys did. Have a couple days off this weekend, finally, and will do my best to try again and see if I have any better luck.

Please do! The idea is for everyone here of ALL skill levels to challenge themselves and not to be too self conscious about it....
Well, I got a take on this done today, but haven't been able to get it rendered to MP3. I had no problems before, but reinstalled Reaper today, and its telling me that my lame_enc.dll is not a valid Window image. Not sure what that means, and have messed with it today until I'm getting a headache and am giving up. May try again tomorrow.

If I can get it converted to MP3, I'll post it here ASAP. Not that it's very good, but I figured it's better to do something than do nothing, I seem to learn a little something every time, although I have a long way to go.
Well here's what I got yesterday. Finally figured out how to convert it with Itunes, as the rendering thing has me stumped for now.

Pretty much just a one shot deal, as I'm not able to really edit much yet. There are a few bad notes in there, but overall it's one of the better takes on it I've done I guess. Pretty pedestrian sounding, I think, like pretty much everything I seem to play, but I like playing over this, so may try and come up with some new ideas and try again later on.
Well here's what I got yesterday. Finally figured out how to convert it with Itunes, as the rendering thing has me stumped for now.

Pretty much just a one shot deal, as I'm not able to really edit much yet. There are a few bad notes in there, but overall it's one of the better takes on it I've done I guess. Pretty pedestrian sounding, I think, like pretty much everything I seem to play, but I like playing over this, so may try and come up with some new ideas and try again later on.

i have it playing right now.

I like it, pretty slick actually.

You're too hard on yerself. :cheese:
I agree...theres some good stuff in there!

Thanks to you too, Mark. Seems like pretty much anything sounds OK over that track. The medium tempo and lack of chord changes make it pretty much right up my alley (kind of hard to screw up too much!).

Tonight I may try to go back and listen to what the rest of you guys did, and maybe if I have time try again this weekend and see what happens. Like I said, if nothing else, it's a lot of fun to play along to!

Thanks again for listening.