What are you listening to, right this minute, right this moment?


Just through the first listen, and...wow. :eek:
Best new prog album I've heard in ages.
Was fearing a typical Neal Morse album (which have become quite formulaic, to be honest), but man was I wrong.

Also: Eric Gillette is a fecking monster player. :embarrassed:

On my list to buy soon.

And you are right about Gillette - super tasty playing as well. And he is a good vocalist. Neal may not like it but most of his best work is when he has true collaborators in the songwriting process.
I'm visiting my Dad right now. He's hard of hearing and has the TV blasting. I can hear him watching Family Feud from the other room.
Thanks to Jbird, revisited this one again tonight.
This album hit me straight in the face when it came out, and this tune is probably my fave metal-ish tune released post 1995 or thereabouts.
The Last Waltz- Further On Up the Road. Clapton and Robbie Robertson trading licks on strats. Hard to tell who wins in this one. Both cutting heads pretty hard.
Lots of good stuff on this page of the thread..

Flamen? Give it up..

Just finished watching and listening to the Las Angeles Kings beat my Pittsburgh Penguins in overtime..

I know this is not music related but my Mom dropped off 7 pounds of live lobster a few hours ago for me to cook for her seafood chowder on Christmas Eve..

It's been done, packaged,and in the freezer..

Gonna pick up my Ibanez acoustic and plunk away...But not before I listen to a few of the selections that you fine folks have posted though I've heard most.......
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