What are you listening to, right this minute, right this moment?

Typing and HVAC...if only someone could label it for me so I can decide whether or not to like it, hate it, or even give it a chance. :thu:
Rediscovering an old favourite.

Interestingly, having just discovered the band, I bought this CD of this fantastic Swedish band in...New York in 2004 at what was then Virgin Megastore.
Well not this exact moment, but on my way to school, I was listening to disc 3 of a 4-disc set of The Last Waltz. That disc has Dylan's set on it and the last thing I heard was the reprise of Baby Let Me Follow You Down.

grading papers just seems to require a cheesy metal soundtrack

Neither leather nor Valhalla await you, son
Your paper barely rates a tepid 81
That's a very weak B on a hundred point scale
You'll never rock all night in your elven chain mail

Cuz you're a substandard biologist
You've never been laid and you've never been kissed
You fail to wail and you'll never blaze
All the Sunset Strip babes go for dudes who get As

*ten minute long solo*
Some arena rock blaring out of speakers from the lot next to our office building. They have some sort of pre-Super Bowl fest going on.

*yells at cloud*