Well, we got to 50 pages...

His work with the Allmans was stellar, nothing boring about it.

I like quite a bit of TTB, though I can understand how slide can get boring for some people.

Is this boring? IMHO it isn't, and it's 100x better than the BCC clip VTF posted.

Both Derek and Joe are incredible guitarists. There's no two ways about it. It's the material that's boring. Tedeschi Trucks (like Jackie Green and Chris Robinson's solo projects) take all of the talent of the jamband scene and make incredibly boring music with it. Derek's guitar and Oteil's bass make that clip. And Susan has a nice voice. But the song itself is drivel.
I like songs about walls.

VTF got him some balls
Admitting that he likes fucking walls
Blah blah blah...he’s just got one story
All about plaster, paint, and holes of glory
He gets it up for joists and studs
He swaps construction vids with his buds
As for chicks, well...don’t know about that
But I bet he likes em dull and likes em flat
His marriage is the reddest herring
He only cums if you’re load bearing
While some say pedals are lazy, others say the more the merrier. I don't see Paul as being lazy.

I have to admit, I don't think I've listened to more than 5 minute of Bonamassa's playing, but I'm pretty sure Mr Gilbert could run circles around him on a guitar.
See: Derek Trucks


I didn't find this one boring at all. I also like his work with Tedeschi Trucks Band.
I have the Beth Hart/Joe Bonamassa live album, and I think it's great. Her voice and his guitar really work well together.

But, like most others here, most of what I've heard from JoBo is very good guitar on boring songs. I own the first BCC album, never cared to delve into any of their subsequent stuff based on that first one.