Well, we got to 50 pages...

Yeah F-you Joe. I was uninterested in your music before, and not encouraged to try harder to like your stuff now. Who died and made you the guitar tone hall monitor? If someone wants to express artistically, it should be encouraged. More art and expression, not less. Better than a lot of the other shit in the world right now. I thought you were too young to be a grumpy old man yelling at people to get off your self appointed tone lawn. Go shut up and sit down in your barcalounger and drink your beer.
Is he good enough to heap derision and scorn upon others seeking a different way to express themselves musically? I don't know.

Should he? Hell no.
Oh come on you lot!

If he'd done this when U2 & Teh Hedge & INXSsive & Simple Flocks for Seagull Folks (& that American band I can never remember) were a thing, this would be a feisty polemical opinion, or if the unstoppable wave of Shoegaze hegemonies was more than he could bear or the nasty vague fizzes of rack-mounted hair-band heroes were routinely chafing his mighty scrotum via the tour bus radio.

Doing it now is just shruggably quirky unless it he has PIERCED your armour propre in the heart of your heart's gazebo, which seems frankly pretty unlikely here (if not at TGP). I'm on record as quite liking Bonamassa's side projects (and only the side projects) but really.
Oh come on you lot!

If he'd done this when U2 & Teh Hedge & INXSsive & Simple Flocks for Seagull Folks (& that American band I can never remember) were a thing, this would be a feisty polemical opinion, or if the unstoppable wave of Shoegaze hegemonies was more than he could bear or the nasty vague fizzes of rack-mounted hair-band heroes were routinely chafing his mighty scrotum via the tour bus radio.

Doing it now is just shruggably quirky unless it he has PIERCED your armour propre in the heart of your heart's gazebo, which seems frankly pretty unlikely here (if not at TGP). I'm on record as quite liking Bonamassa's side projects (and only the side projects) but really.
well, there's the rub. when he's being interviewed as "black country communion's guitarist" he's going on about how using pedals is for lazy people and on and on.
but then when he's the "joe bonnamassa show", he's got 20 of them in front of him.
kinda bullshit.
Bonamassa is a stud.

His most aptly named product on his site


(and I have never seen an artist selling so much absolute crap on his website *except for Gene Simmons*)


Stay classy Joe:facepalm:
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Hey, if One Direction can do it, why not Joe?


Joe Bonamassa's Eau De Sweaty Guitar Player, the perfect gift for your significant other.
Bonamassa's technique inspires some to greatness, others to jealousy.
I've gone on record more than once saying I'm a fan. He is opinionated though, and has gotten folks riled up before. I remember a mulit-page thread on HC where Joe was calling out young/new guitar players for not learning any music theory at all and just learning to play tabs. I thought he had a point, but there was a lot of name calling in that thread too.
Is he good enough to heap derision and scorn upon others seeking a different way to express themselves musically? I don't know.

Should he? Hell no.

No one is good enough to be the final arbiter of musical expression. This is an impossibility as it would require not only mastery of all existing genres and subgenres, but agreement for the other artists in all of these styles that he's the best.

Quite right about whether or not he should. He is clearly coming from a place of privilege and access that the vast majority of his fans can't fathom. He's built up a massive collection of vintage gear and has a ton of manufacturers throwing him even more free gear for endorsements/exposure.

To my ears he's a mediocre amalgam of SRV and Eric Johnson with a bit of nod to the folks that inspired those two players. He's not anything original or interesting to say musically to date. We all know that SRV and EJ used a far share of effects. The use of older gear came from it just being the used gear they could afford when they bought it and then using as foundation upon which to build their sounds (which were also greatly influenced by those they revered). Tube screamers push a breaking up Fender over the top and kick a Marshall into a higher gear. Univibes and Echoplexes provide sounds you couldn't easily get from the guitar or amp...obviously you could haul around a Leslie and have fun keeping it running consistently.

But it's all just tools and more colors to help create sounds that inspire musicians and maybe speak to others. Dictating any notion of validity in that area is bullshit. Joe is deplorable.
His technique is flawless. Truly a wonder. It's his songs that are terrible.
I've gone on record more than once saying I'm a fan. He is opinionated though, and has gotten folks riled up before. I remember a mulit-page thread on HC where Joe was calling out young/new guitar players for not learning any music theory at all and just learning to play tabs. I thought he had a point, but there was a lot of name calling in that thread too.

I hereby vow, on this day November 8 2017, to dedicate my life mastering the vaunted Bonamassa "warp speed" technique and applying it vigorously to each and every HeelStock jam going forward until such time as The Holy Joest calls me home to Toan Heaven.

I hereby vow, on this day November 8 2017, to dedicate my life mastering the vaunted Bonamassa "warp speed" technique and applying it vigorously to each and every HeelStock jam going forward until such time as The Holy Joest calls me home to Toan Heaven.

Looking forward to some Buffalo-Zeppelin shred. :thu:
I hereby vow, on this day November 8 2017, to dedicate my life mastering the vaunted Bonamassa "warp speed" technique and applying it vigorously to each and every HeelStock jam going forward until such time as The Holy Joest calls me home to Toan Heaven.

Troy Grady will teach you Eric Johnson's warp speed methods for a modest fee. Some say there is a striking resemblance to Joe's. (I was going to do the Yngwie course but I am currently distracted by chord tones and CAGEDs.)
Eric Johnson is a ballerina. Bonamassa is a bullfighter.

Well if it comes to that, bullfighters are also generally pretty light on their feet. It's all about the floating like a butterfly, sting like some arsehole stabbing a boycow with a sword, your bullfighting[1]. (In the unlikely event there are trainee bullfighters who fancy their chances going toe-to-toe I would not back them to graduate.)

[1] I'm an expert; it was on telly one time when I was bored in a hotel in Espain.