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Mediocringly Derivative

The article:

The quote:

“I’ve really gotten over pedals. I can’t keep up with this craze of boutique pedals that make you sound like everything but your guitar. I can’t get my head around it. So you don’t want to play a guitar [properly] so you buy a box that makes it sound like an algorithm, like you just fired up your computer and you can spend the night staring at your fuckin’ shoes? C’mon man…

“I know I’ll get shit for saying this, but it’s fucking lazy. It’s insulting to people who spent 35 years playing and learning, like a lot of players. And we continue to work at it! These guys can barely play a chord but call themselves soundscapists. Get the fuck outta here! It’s bullshit. There’s so much masking and spin going on there. Can we get real for a minute? What do you actually play? Pick up an acoustic guitar… try that!”

I just read the article. I thought those comments were from some douche on TGP not Bonamassa. I read an interview with him years ago, before I knew who he was and he came across like a know it all, judgmental dick. Glad to see nothing has changed. I can't remember exactly what he said in it, but the gist was, if you aren't using 100 watt amps, your tone sucks, you can't get good tone with under 100 watts. I remember thinking, this guy is a grown up, and he sounds like a 13 year old who just got a Marshall half stack so he knows better than everyone else.
I think he intended his comment to reflect on a very small segment of the guitar playing population, but his innate douchebaggery buried that intention under a pile of shitty smelling arrogance...

I used to have a lot of admiration for the man...not any more...
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about 2 years ago (you can still find it on youtube, irrc) joe was showing off his new 'rig'. and he was doing an A/B thing with the three amps he was using on stage, and the 10+ pedals also. he kept stepping on buttons and going 'you see....now that's so much different than the other one' and it ALL sounded exactly alike. he's a boutique betty.
also, all of his solos sound exactly like eric johnson.
Painting with watercolors or acrylics is just fucking lazy. See how stupid that sounds?

I was going to start a rant, but this is really all it comes down to...

Using a type writer used to be lazy until word processing software came along...the ultimate in lazy. Dictation software negates writing completely. How could anything good come out of that?
Given my love for vintage guitars and amps from the 50s, 60s, and 70s, pedals are the only thing new I'm likely to buy nowadays. Other than synthesizers.

And the EH Mellotron and Synth pedals sounds pretty amazing. What lack of curiosity would make any guitarist not at least want to try new pedals?
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So clickbaity
Hook swallowed

Unrelated but he came to town last month and I happened to drive by the concert venue the night of the show. I was surprised how many tour buses were parked at the venue. No opening acts so they must have been all his bands’.