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Sorry about that. We had a storm roll through and cut out the internet, so I copied and pasted, and apparently the copy and paste didn't finish my original post.
Looking ahead, labor day 2015 is the 7th, so maybe consider the's still warm but not super hot, and early enough in the month for Randy and others...I think most would agree that not doing this in the middle of summer made it even better.
I'm not stuck on the last weekend of September, but I think later in the year works better than late July/early August.
Input would be appreciated for next year.
it's a nameplate on a rehoused Peavey Classic.
It's a fucking amazing obviously did a great job on it, it ran almost non-stop and never hiccuped once...The Prages amp is actually a Weber kit based on a Tweed Fender Bandmaster.
I asked myself that the whole time...Question-with all that gear on the floor and cords,and the adult beverages consumed-how did anyone not take a tumble? Awesome gear collection you guys have by the way!
Question-with all that gear on the floor and cords,and the adult beverages consumed-how did anyone not take a tumble?
I could do that asI'm down for October.
Speaking of amazing, those boys from texas had all of those amps to choose from and kept plugging into mine...that little 15 watt TSA15H was a real game day spite of that, though, I'm saving up for something with a bit more power, maybe in the 30-40 watt range, like a TSA30H or maybe a Tweaker40...
Yes, that would be ideal for me. In fact lets shoot for January.Rev was hoping for October next year.
Christmas with the Prages!
That WOULD be perfect...we could all celebrate my 50th birthday together...Yes, that would be ideal for me. In fact lets shoot for January.
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You, phucker, need to get there earlier next year...I'm going to woodshed some Molly Hatchet and we're gonna JAM!I'm down for October.
Yes, that would be ideal for me. In fact lets shoot for January.
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