Recommend me a book to read on the plane


Meatus McPrepuce
I know there's a books thread, but I'm looking for something specific. Not too long, not too heavy, lots of twists and turns, something I can read on my flight home for the holidays. Let me know and I'll load it up on my Kindle. Go!
I used to work with a former ntsb forensic investigator who would read aviation accident reports or crash related books on the plane.... Not recommended.
You might be hip enough that you haven't read The DaVinci Code. It's the Froot Loops of books, and perfect for a plane.
Pick up something by Brad Meltzer.
"Conspiracy Theory" kind of stuff. Kind of immature, but a good, quick read.
Bill Brysons "Down Under" covers his travels in Australia. Will have you laughing your way home!
I have read both The Martian and The DaVinci Code. The other suggestions intrigue me - will look into them. Thanks all!
I would actually not have a problem reading about airplane crashes while riding on an airplane, because I understand statistics and I'm not a massive pussy.