Living the dream
Nothing to see here people, move along...
Sad, but has little to do with the topic at hand beyond the fact that a gun was used.
Nothing to see here people, move along...
Nothing to see here people, move along...
"A defendant on his way to jail reportedly grabbed a firearm from a sheriff’s deputy and began firing on the building’s third floor."
IDK, that might not fit the narrative you're looking for.....criminals doing criminal things.
Was Barney Fife on duty?
So....Mike Pence.
Trump trying to firm up the "I hate gays and women" vote.
Bummer. I was hoping for Invanka. She is hot, if she wasn't Trump's daughter, I would date her.
Bummer. I was hoping for Invanka. She is hot, if she wasn't Trump's daughter, I would date her.
Mike Pence, visionary thinker. Here's a "chock-full-o'freedom" op-ed from 2001. Not at all influenced by lobbyist money!
The Great American Smoke Out
In the coming weeks, Americans are going to be treated with the worst kind of Washington-speak regarding the tobacco legislation currently being considered by the Congress and Attorney Generals from forty different states. We will hear about the scourge of tobacco and the resultant premature deaths. We will hear about how this phalanx of government elates has suddenly grown a conscience after decades of subsidizing the product which, we are now told, "kills millions of Americans each year".
Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn't kill. In fact, 2 out of every three smokers does not die from a smoking related illness and 9 out of ten smokers do not contract lung cancer. This is not to say that smoking is good for you.... news flash: smoking is not good for you. If you are reading this article through the blue haze of cigarette smoke you should quit. The relevant question is, what is more harmful to the nation, second hand smoke or back handed big government disguised in do-gooder healthcare rhetoric.
The tobacco settlement is not only about big taxes it's about big government. Under the current Senate version, the deal would require the creation of 17 new government bureaucracies to manage the tax windfall described above. But it is also about big government on a much more profound scale, namely, government big enough to protect us from ourselves.
Even a conservative like me would support government big enough to protect us from foreign threats and threats to our domestic tranquility but the tobacco deal goes to the next level. Government big enough to protect us from our own stubborn wills. And a government of such plenary power, once conceived will hardly stop at tobacco. Surely the scourge of fatty foods and their attendant cost to the health care economy bears some consideration. How about the role of caffeine in fomenting greater stress in the lives of working Americans? Don't get me started about the dangers of sports utility vehicles!
Those of you who find the tobacco deal acceptable should be warned as you sit, reading this magazine, sipping a cup of hot coffee with a hamburger on your mind for lunch. A government big enough to go after smokers is big enough to go after you.
Mike Pence, visionary thinker. Here's a "chock-full-o'freedom" op-ed from 2001. Not at all influenced by lobbyist money!
The Great American Smoke Out
In the coming weeks, Americans are going to be treated with the worst kind of Washington-speak regarding the tobacco legislation currently being considered by the Congress and Attorney Generals from forty different states. We will hear about the scourge of tobacco and the resultant premature deaths. We will hear about how this phalanx of government elates has suddenly grown a conscience after decades of subsidizing the product which, we are now told, "kills millions of Americans each year".
Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn't kill. In fact, 2 out of every three smokers does not die from a smoking related illness and 9 out of ten smokers do not contract lung cancer. This is not to say that smoking is good for you.... news flash: smoking is not good for you. If you are reading this article through the blue haze of cigarette smoke you should quit. The relevant question is, what is more harmful to the nation, second hand smoke or back handed big government disguised in do-gooder healthcare rhetoric.
The tobacco settlement is not only about big taxes it's about big government. Under the current Senate version, the deal would require the creation of 17 new government bureaucracies to manage the tax windfall described above. But it is also about big government on a much more profound scale, namely, government big enough to protect us from ourselves.
Even a conservative like me would support government big enough to protect us from foreign threats and threats to our domestic tranquility but the tobacco deal goes to the next level. Government big enough to protect us from our own stubborn wills. And a government of such plenary power, once conceived will hardly stop at tobacco. Surely the scourge of fatty foods and their attendant cost to the health care economy bears some consideration. How about the role of caffeine in fomenting greater stress in the lives of working Americans? Don't get me started about the dangers of sports utility vehicles!
Those of you who find the tobacco deal acceptable should be warned as you sit, reading this magazine, sipping a cup of hot coffee with a hamburger on your mind for lunch. A government big enough to go after smokers is big enough to go after you.
and his "facts" came from where? who?
2 out of 3?
9 out of 10?
that's is all BULLSHIT. it's been WELL documented that smoking DOES kill. and not just by the government. nearly every doctor in the country will tell you smoking results in health problems.
another GOP fail.
why? it EMPHASIZES what i'm trying to say.You REALLY need to quit doing SOME words in ALL caps.
So I am sure he is all for legalizing pot, cocaine, lsd, and heroin. Why should big government tell you what to do?
why? it EMPHASIZES what i'm trying to say.