OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Yeah, but that's still obvious to most reasonably intelligent folks. I'm sure his supporters will complain about sleep being included in the non-work hours, but it's a fair evaluation. Wait, they don't read fake news from failing media outlets...only real news from fake media outlets. :thu:

I think Trump claims to sleep very little for what that's worth...probably about as his promises.

Considering where we are in this country, "obvious to reasonably intelligent folks" isn't something to hang your hat on.
the Tampa/Clearwater area, Ponte Vedra to St Augustine and the Keys are awesome. Pretty much the rest of the state could be nuked and started over.

ummm......Fort Walton Beach was kinda nice, when i was TDY there. so was Panama City.
of course, that was a in the 70's. :facepalm:
ummm......Fort Walton Beach was kinda nice, when i was TDY there. so was Panama City.
of course, that was a in the 70's. :facepalm:

the Pan Handle is the only part of Florida I've never been to. One of my best friends is from Ft Walton Beach. When his folks moved back there, he wanted no part of it and ended up in Tampa and now lives in Ponte Vedra. His folks also bailed for Atlanta.
WP, anyone?
I'm not sure there's any valid to spend anytime in Florida...but I like winter and hate bugs.

Having spent the better part of a year there for work, I mostly agree. But...a condo on the beach in Cocoa Beach working at Kennedy Space Center did have it's perks.
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Having spent the better part of a year there for work, I mostly agree. But...a condo on the beach in Cocoa Beach working at Kennedy Space Center did have it's perks.

Beach front property in a residential area, is almost always the exclusion to any rule. But fucking bugs and no winter...I'm out. Give me mid-Atlantic to New England coast for the summers (as well as late spring and early autumn) and a real winter every time.
the Tampa/Clearwater area, Ponte Vedra to St Augustine and the Keys are awesome. Pretty much the rest of the state could be nuked and started over.

I went to college in West Palm and remain, to this day, royalty in the PBC.

Seahawk Pride!

You're right on about St. Auggie too.
Beach front property in a residential area, is almost always the exclusion to any rule. But fucking bugs and no winter...I'm out. Give me mid-Atlantic to New England coast for the summers (as well as late spring and early autumn) and a real winter every time.
Hey, you can have the entire Eastern seaboard for all I care. Every morning as I walked out of my condo I checked my briefcase and touched my return ticket to Ca. just to make sure it was still there. All of Fla is a jungle and everything is rotting back into it.
I went to college in West Palm and remain, to this day, royalty in the PBC.

Seahawk Pride!

You're right on about St. Auggie too.

The whole coastal area from Ponte Vedra to St Augustine is awesome. When you go down A1A, it is the Guana Nature Preserve to your right and the ocean to your left. It was my daily commute for 3 years. It was the best 30 minute commute I've ever had.
Beach front property in a residential area, is almost always the exclusion to any rule. But fucking bugs and no winter...I'm out. Give me mid-Atlantic to New England coast for the summers (as well as late spring and early autumn) and a real winter every time.

If I could eliminate one thing from the universe, it would be winter. Cold is the most horrible thing ever invented.
If I could eliminate one thing from the universe, it would be winter. Cold is the most horrible thing ever invented.

Fuck that noise!

I can't stand hot humidity. If I want to be hot and wet, it will be the result of a chosen activity, not just because I stepped outside. I rarely find any use for the temperature being above 85...unless there's a cold body of water that I can immediately cool off in. Ideally and nice lake or a non-polluted ocean shoreline.
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