OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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i didn't draw an equivalency. i just said they both need to go.

You called them both complete idiots. That's the equivalency. It's also not true. In fact, neither of them is an idiot. I may not like Pelosi's politics or Palin's chosen character to play. But neither of them are idiots. They do both need to go. But for different reasons.
i didn't draw an equivalency. i just said they both need to go.

The further reality is that Palin holds no office and affects little politically. While Pelosi does hold office, she has been neutered. The real issue now, as through most of President Obama's administrations, are the Republican members of Congress that maliciously prevented the advancement of any and every bill they could solidifying an us vs. them mentality unlike previously seen in our "normally" divided two party system.

It's not like Pelosi leaving and/or a new House Minority Leader is going to make the house Republicans OR their Senate douche-lleagues suddenly start working with Democrats to find common ground on legislation that will help the majority of Americans. Pelosi is at most a minor annoyance at this point. The GOP dunces controlling Congress are the real issue.
Message from DMV: "Thank you for taking the time to put your concerns about the offensive license plates in writing. It has never been the intention of the Virginia DMV to allow a license plate with an offensive message to be issued. DMV has a committee which reviews each plate image request upon receipt. They receive thousands of plate images daily and review the messages, both forward and backwards. Unfortunately, some offensive plates still get issued that should not have. For those plates, we rely on good citizens such as yourself to help keep us informed. I have forwarded your e-mail, in its entirety, to our plate committee for their review.

Thank you again for taking the time to contact DMV and have a great day!"

Virginia does not allow hate speak on personalized plates which, IMO, this is. That being the case I ran some test plates and you cannot have KKK or NAZI on your plates. So I went to my Virginia account and filed the following complaint:
I was involved in a discussion on line where someone posted a photo of a Virginia tag with "KLNSMN" printed on it. That's Klansman as in Klu Klux Klan. I was under the impression that Virginia did not allow this kind of hate on plates so I ran some test plates. KKK was denied however KLNSMN is an actual Virginia plate that someone has on their vehicle. A Ford Pickup to be exact. It's my personal opinion that this plate should be retracted as it is a clear message of hate against races.

Stop fucking around on guitar forums and if you have an issue, a real issue to contend with then start a process that is known to make a difference.
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