OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Since he's president, now, isn't the Freedom of Information Act applicable to his tax returns?

Nope. Individual tax returns are private protected information. Presidential candidates have released their tax returns as a gesture of 'full disclosure'/transparency and are under no requirement to do so.
Nope. Individual tax returns are private protected information. Presidential candidates have released their tax returns as a gesture of 'full disclosure'/transparency and are under no requirement to do so.

and this one isn't going to, no matter what.
of course IF someone found a way to 'hack' his tax returns and publish them, he would likely not only be impeached, but go to prison.
this piece of shit has NEVER done anything above board.
i would bet money that he could stall a law suit until 2020. then it won't matter.

You've got a point unless a court aid leaks them. (no worries though the next president will pardon him/her) When that tax info is out there Congress will get involved and they are very difficult to stall when they smell blood. If that happens Trump will start a 'wag the dog' war as a distraction. He's already throwing distractions around like a mad man trying to keep the tax issue out of the headlines.

Believe me...there is a bomb in those taxes and we need to find it asap.
well the dumpster has put bannon in on national security briefings and REMOVED the joint chiefs from the briefings, unless the info pertains to them.

can you say DICTATORSHIP?

this is EXACTLY how the occur.

he's taking the military out of the mix. i hope the military take that as the slap in the face that it is......and begin to not follow his orders.

coup de atet time.
well the dumpster has put bannon in on national security briefings and REMOVED the joint chiefs from the briefings, unless the info pertains to them.

can you say DICTATORSHIP?

this is EXACTLY how the occur.

he's taking the military out of the mix. i hope the military take that as the slap in the face that it is......and begin to not follow his orders.

coup de atet time.
That's exactly what I've been saying to the wife.
well the dumpster has put bannon in on national security briefings and REMOVED the joint chiefs from the briefings, unless the info pertains to them.

can you say DICTATORSHIP?

this is EXACTLY how the occur.

he's taking the military out of the mix. i hope the military take that as the slap in the face that it is......and begin to not follow his orders.

coup de atet time.

Un fucking believable. He really doesn't give the slightest thought to who he is pissing off with these "decisions."

And the trumpanzees will no doubt already have an explanation for why this is great.
Un fucking believable. He really doesn't give the slightest thought to who he is pissing off with these "decisions."

And the trumpanzees will no doubt already have an explanation for why this is great.

i only hope that when the shit really does hit the fan, the military takes a walk.....or sets up on the opposing side.

there was a secret questionaire that bill clinton put out to the USMC ( i know this because several marines leaked it) that among other things asked the question that "if there was a federal gun ban, would you (marine) shoot a US citizen if ordered to when the citizen refused to surrender their gun(s).

there were very few yes answers and a whole bunch wrote in the margin of the paper that they would join the other side if that order ever came.
so both sides have put out feelers with the thought of "taking over".
this is also one of the reasons i have never trusted hillary.
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