OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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My wife is worried about our six year old, but I want to go as a family. I feel like my boys need to be a part of this. Practicing our right to peaceably assemble, free speech, and know that U.S. citizens have a right (if not a duty) to let our leadership we're unhappy...with them in specific, let alone in general.

I don't think it'll be any less safe for our children than it would our wives. Being a part of the mass of voices feels like a moral imperative to me. With a police force that is a majority people of color, I feel they may go the extra mile to protect and serve. This march is about the groups that Trump doesn't speak to or for, which pretty much covers anyone that isn't a white male (regardless of whether one supports him or not).

What would she need to help that happen? Can I buy some of the yarn on Amazon for her?

Do you folks think it would piss folks off if we wore blue ones? I'm down with wearing one, but I'm generally adverse to pink in my wearables.
I'll ask her. How many?
My wife is worried about our six year old, but I want to go as a family. I feel like my boys need to be a part of this. Practicing our right to peaceably assemble, free speech, and know that U.S. citizens have a right (if not a duty) to let our leadership we're unhappy...with them in specific, let alone in general.

I don't think it'll be any less safe for our children than it would our wives. Being a part of the mass of voices feels like a moral imperative to me. With a police force that is a majority people of color, I feel they may go the extra mile to protect and serve. This march is about the groups that Trump doesn't speak to or for, which pretty much covers anyone that isn't a white male (regardless of whether one supports him or not).

What would she need to help that happen? Can I buy some of the yarn on Amazon for her?

Do you folks think it would piss folks off if we wore blue ones? I'm down with wearing one, but I'm generally adverse to pink in my wearables.

When I said "safe" I didn't really mean physical safety, more like assholes screaming obscenities at the marchers or holding up vulgar signs. I am a little concerned about physical safety, but while my kids are 11 and 13, I'm not sure I want them seeing and hearing some things that maybe be there in a way of protests to the march.
Ok...Mrs Wein can do the hats for $10 per hat plus shipping. I think she's making two versions as samples tonight.
Are there any known opposition-demonstrations planned?

What have the Westboro's been up to lately? Oddly, didn't hear anything about them last year... :lol:
Are there any known opposition-demonstrations planned?

What have the Westboro's been up to lately? Oddly, didn't hear anything about them last year... :lol:

Known or not, they'll be there. It's the day after inauguration, it's a Saturday...lots of Trump fans will be there as hold overs and they sure as hell have not qualms about voicing their deplorable hatred.
Ok...Mrs Wein can do the hats for $10 per hat plus shipping. I think she's making two versions as samples tonight.

I'll talk to my wife this evening and let you know. She may or may not be interested. I like hats, she's generally less enthusiastic about head accessories.:thu: But she's usually good with head warmers when it's's currently scheduled to be about 60 next Saturday.
It can be plain as day. The American public will still vote for them.
Sadly... I mean, how else bad the pod person that is Michelle Bachmann been reelected so many times? She's nothing but an empty shell that has the appearance of a human being and a cassette tape with Rush Limbaugh talking points on it being played sped up.
Not sure what’s worse, O’Donnell’s stupid tweet, that people follow her on twitter in 2017, or that some guy made a four minute video rant about it. Our polity is a train wreck.
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