spaghetti and blankets
I admittedly know/knew nothing about breitbart.com until last week (more like yesterday, but whatever). I also knew nothing of Andrew Breitbart, who died very young in 2012. I also knew nothing about the "alt-right" before last week.
What I found (on wikipedia), is that Andrew Breitbart (who was Jewish), started the Breitbart "news" site "with the aim of founding a site that would be unapologetically pro-freedom and pro-Israel". Breitbart.com has a "news bureau" in Jerusalem that presumably(?) still reports news with a pro-Israel slant.
How then does a site started by someone who is Jewish, with the intent of reporting pro-Israel news become a site that is run by a (reportedly) anti-Semite with ties to the alt-right, which is supposedly tied in with white supremacists?
Is there part of the story I'm missing here?
FWIW: I'm asking because I don't know. I'm in the dark here, legitimate question.
It's right there on Wikipedia:
"conceived by Andrew Breitbart during a visit to Israel in summer 2007, with the aim of founding a site "that would be unapologetically pro-freedom and pro-Israel",[9] Breitbart is aligned with the alt-right,[10] and Bannon declared the site "the platform for the alt-right" in 2016"
Follow the link to the wikipedia page on the alt-right:
In Newsday, Young called the alt-right "a nest of anti-Semitism" inhabited by "white supremacists" who regularly use "repulsive bigotry".[36] Chris Hayes on All In with Chris Hayesdescribed alt-right as a euphemistic term for "essentially modern-day white supremacy."[57] BuzzFeed reporter Rosie Gray described the alt-right as "white supremacy perfectly tailored for our times," saying that it uses "aggressive rhetoric and outright racial and anti-Semitic slurs" and that it has "more in common with European far-right movements than American ones."[58][59] Yishai Schwartz, writing for Haaretz, described the alt-right as "vitriolically anti-Semitic," saying that "The 'alternative' that the alt-right presents is, in large part, an alternative to acceptance of Jews," and warned that it must be taken seriously as a threat.[60] Chemi Shalev, also writing for Haaretz, has observed that alt-Right supporters of Trump "despise Jewish liberals with same venom that Israeli right detests Jewish leftists".[61]
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Breitbart News has become a popular outlet for alt-right views.[62]