Grievance #2, 3, 4, 5... : People suddenly acting like they're Tom Clancy when Obama has bombed Libya, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen, with dubious authority and filmsy intelligence, exploding real people -- "terrorists," partisans who have nothing to do with "terrorism," and civilians alike (American citizens among them) -- into chunks of meat... whole families, wedding parties, mothers in front of children, children in front of their mothers... and people are all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Muslims. 9/11. Turururururursts.
Mass deportations and mass surveillance ? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Obama is bae; trust him.
Miserable record of transparency from the "most transparent administration ever." Record-breaking prosecution of whistleblowers and threatening journalists with jail for not divulging sources. Not reckless people with a vendetta (legit or no) like Assange but people motivated by public interest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Woke as a joke.
Failing to prosecute Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, etc., for Iraq because something something we're going to look to the future, not the past. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jettisoning a huge (s)well of organized grassroots support in 2008 that could have put the pressure on for any number of actual progressive intiatives, perhaps single-payer healthcare, instead of the shitshow that is Obamacare. (Just got a packet detailing my amazing new rate increase.) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Incremental change is so inspiring.
Etc., etc., etc.
Yes, unlike Trump, he's competent and not a dangerously insecure hatemonger. I'm scared for women, children, minorities, the press, internet guitarists, and pretty much everybody in the US and around the world. But people should have been a whole lot more pissed off about what Obama carried over from Bush and what he came up with on his own. Failing to voice legitimate grievances has a way of giving voice to illegitimate grievances. In short: we suck but I think there's a lot of dumb and wrong about why. Niemoller and what have you.
I find Trump so pitiable a human being that it's hard to hate him. I am super-pissed at Clinton and that whole machine for putting us through this for entirely selfish reasons when there was a candidate with yuge popularity amongst independents, especially in a race against a fucking maniac. I hope the Klin-tons go away and never come back.
This is a vent. I don't like the bulk of what I read in this thread but I don't like writing or arguing and I'm not looking to get into it with anyone. Just had to take a word dump.