weird musical dildo
I had to throw my copy of 2112 away because it had a Satanic image on the front and the guy's naked butt made me feel uncomfortbal
Demon Lord Butt Sex... isn't he in GWAR?
I had to throw my copy of 2112 away because it had a Satanic image on the front and the guy's naked butt made me feel uncomfortbal
I've got admit that while my now 12 year0old sone would have told you were wrong when he was seven, I only know now because I'm completely obsessed with the Hamilton soundtrack. It's making care more about history than I ever thought I could.
Thankfully no one's made any music to date that makes Ayn Rand's books/philosophy seems interesting to me...and I'm a Rush fan, just not a 2112 fan (although I love A Passage to Bangkok).
that was HW. he did have classTotal class.
I haven't studied US History in detail since High School. So though I know a fair amount about balance of powers, and the US Const. and basic outline of history, the who's who of who ran way back when escapes me at this point. And I was google sloppy. Who remembers the losers anyway?![]()
Demon Lord Butt Sex
That's not lacking class, just a bad picture. He actually played college baseball. Captained the team and played in two college World Series. Interestingly, he was also on the cheerleading squad, which may explain the team spirit and exuberance on display in this image.
Need to see that.My grandmother is losing her shit on my Facebook feed.![]()
mister trump had better mind his p's and q's. there is a point at which free speech becomes sedition.
I believe that line has likely been crossed already.
It's a very fine lineI dunno, I think it has to be a bit more overt than just hints and suggestions.