24 Steel Wheels of Shoegaze
that's kinda misogynistic, andy. You can do better.Probably has a moose dick in her mouth.
There's plenty to pick on her without resorting to crudity.
that's kinda misogynistic, andy. You can do better.Probably has a moose dick in her mouth.
That was like really dark, creepy more graphic old school Monty Python. Yikes, that was creepy.
that's kinda misogynistic, andy. You can do better.
There's plenty to pick on her without resorting to crudity.
Palin is a symptom, not a cause. The vein of anti-intellectualism that she embodies has existed long before she was on the national stage.Seeing as Palin doesn't believe in misogyny, I'm not too worried about it. She's a dumpster fire of a human being and the amount of negativity and stupidity she has inspired within the GOP and their base is truly appalling.
well, you know.....people who spend their lives looking for a reason to be mad, usually find one.These guys are so easy to troll lmao.
A chorus of outraged conservatives, including Matt Drudge, Rush Limbaugh and Curt Schilling, expressed anger on Monday at what they wrongly called evidence that a postal worker in Ohio had destroyed absentee ballots cast in the Republican’s favor.
The anger was prompted by the widespread misunderstanding of a satirical tweet posted online Sunday by a member of the loose coalition of pranksters known as Weird Twitter, who use the social network to post Dadaist jokes and fictional anecdotes disguised as earnest statements of fact.