spaghetti and blankets
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Given that it's Amy Schumer, no surprise there wasn't an actual joke involved in that story.
The bigger surprise is that hardline Trump supporters would go see her, unless they were totally ignorant of her politics & material.
This OTOH, is hilarious:
Michelle Obama To DNC: ‘After This Election You Dipshits Are On Your Own’
" First Lady Michelle Obama reportedly informed the Democratic National Committee today that they would be completely on their own once the election was over. “You dipshits better get someone else lined up to make your little speeches about the power of unity and compassion, because in a couple weeks I’m done with this bullshit,” said Obama, who noted that, come Election Day, the Democratic Party would no longer be able to trot her out whenever they needed an uplifting and intensely personal message that could win over crucial voters. "