no doubt that Hill and Bill have done stuff that would get any other regular person charged. but they are SO highly connected that there's no way, short of committing murder with all the evidence, that they'd ever get convicted. they are the modern equivalent to the Kennedy's. untouchable.
They are not saints by any stretch of the imagination, but they are lightyears from what the right (and addled Bernie Bros) have painted them as for the past 25 years.
When Hillary talked about the "
vast rightwing conspiracy" 20 years ago, she wasn't wrong.
It's there, and has been there for 40 years and more.
Guys like
Richard Mellon-Scaife,
John Olin, the Kochs, et al (and
it's a long list) have poured
many billions of dollars into influencing public opinion rightward. They have founded and funded major and minor conservative programs, publications and 'think tanks,' like the Heritage Institute,
the Manhattan Institute, the Cato Institute, etc., who publish papers and studies much more notable for their rightwing advocacy than for intellectual rigor. There is a major conservative-slanted newspaper that
lost money for 33 straight years -- and cost the owners perhaps two billion dollars in the process -- all to to push a conservative view.
Where did this come from? Basically from
the Powell Memo, in 1971. A letter written outlining a sweeping, coordinated, long-term strategy to make the conservative viewpoint dominant in the US. These folks willingly allied themselves with conservative religious and white supremacist groups to consolidate a power bloc. And they got a president elected who swiftly began dismantling the Fairness Doctrine
And look at what they have wrought. NewsCorp/FoxNews. Brietbart. NYPost. The Blaze. People like Limbaugh daily on Armed Forces Radio. An AM Talk Radio spectrum that is a wretched hive of rightwing scum and villany ... over the public airwaves.