That’s the part that probably won’t happen. Fox and MSNBC caught on in the 90s when there was almost no original programming on cable. Today there are thousands of channels, most of which nobody carries. Recent attempts to create new conservative networks have been flops. And the new cable channels that get picked up are picked up because the big media corporations force the issue in contract renewals for other networks— Fox Business only got picked up because it was tied to Fox Sports. So the Trump/Ailes/Breitbart network is probably going to be an internet only affair.
I think Trump might just be doing all this as a grift, similar to SarahPAC. He and his kids are going to make bank off of this in 2017. After the election they’ll start phony PACs and Washington sham charities, which they’ll run as executives with six-figure salaries. They’ll all be executives of, and shareholders in, the new Trump network. They’ll get big bonuses for bringing in initial investments, for launching the network, and later get golden parachutes when they get fired. This would explain why Trump’s not releasing his tax returns, and why he’s got incomprehensibly structured businesses mired in staggering debt. The Trump empire may be crumbling, and this entire campaign is his way of generating some cash to retire on before the shithouse catches fire.