Living the dream
There is nothing shameful, in theory, about supporting the 2nd amendment. There is a good reason why it was second only to freedom of speech in importance. What is shameful is that this right has been taken over by what is now primarily a political org, the NRA. I used to be a member, back when their focus was on teaching hunter safety, shooting skills and education. At some point that changed, and I stopped supporting them due to their ever increasingly militant mailings demanding more money, and their fear mongering tactics.My contempt for 2nd amendment activists is well-documented. They should be ashamed of themselves, but since they aren't, they should be shamed in other ways.
Having shot more than one fully automatic weapon, the fun of such isn't lost on me, but neither was the danger were those weapons in the 'wrong' hands. I support reasonable background checks, waiting periods, and training. This, being a lifelong Dem (with one or two exceptions) just seems reasonable. I would also support some type of mental health check to make sure the applicant isn't know to be impaired, though I know this is a much more difficult requirement than the others due to patient confidentiality and social stigma associated with mental health concerns.
So please don't confuse gun rights/2A supporters and hard core NRA/Militia types. They couldn't be more different.