OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Donald is and always has been a piece of shit. Fox was bashing until he became the candidate. But the bashing is coming from the columnists, not the actually straight news segments. While these segments are getting farer and fewer between, Fox did away with them completely years ago.

CNN is just a middle-of-the-road news outlet trying to get as many viewers as possible while not really catering to any particular demographic, they're almost generic news with some less strident mouthpieces. You're upset and I understand why, sorry.

According to national polls, the vast majority of Americans favor a change in gun laws, as such they are more a reflection of our society than those that would be dominated by they NRA which has a membership that represents less and 2% of the U.S. population.

The "Clinton News Network"...really? That's so ridiculously childish and new one for me. I remember them giving Romney a fair shake and McCain as well, until they imploded when Palin was added to the ticket. In 2000 they weren't actively against Bush, he was just one of two folks running for President. Trump is a different beast and even a significant percentage of Republicans and right leaning Independents are running as far away from his stench as they can.
I'm upset? Not so much. I don't care is more like it. Bias in news is fine, as long as the viewership has the sense enough to understand it for what it is.

Where are getting your national polls on gun laws? CNN? USA Today?

And fwiw, I really don't care to rehash a control debate - we've done that here on this thread already.
The Moore theory makes a lot of sense. More sense than the theory that he was secretly doing this to hand Hillary the white house. He is far too self centered for that.
Trumps campaign now being run by Breitbart chief executive...seems legit.

It's simple. He will hire the best people, amazing people. He's good at hiring the best people, he has a very good brain. Easy. He will have win by a landslide. Crooked Hilary will be humiliated in November. Assuming that she isn't in jail. Or maybe been assassinated. I don't know. Maybe you might. I don't know. But it's simple. He will hire the best people. Look at all the people at his rallies. Look at these people, he's brought so many people to the party. Best people. ISIS and its founders will be taken care of. He promises you. That's a promise. That's done. Easy. In the bag. Done.
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Imagine hundreds of thousands of already angry Bubba Trump Second Amendment types becoming even more enraged when Cheeto Jesus pulls out of the election. He has to avoid becoming a dreaded loser. Maybe his "there will be rioting in the street" threat will become real.
Imagine hundreds of thousands of already angry Bubba Trump Second Amendment types becoming even more enraged when Cheeto Jesus pulls out of the election. He has to avoid becoming a dreaded loser. Maybe his "there will be rioting in the street" threat will become real.

I don't think that there is a way out for him where he wouldn't be viewed as either a loser by the general public, or as a conspirator by conspiracy theorists/GOP voters.
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How can a news outlet not bash Trump when he keeps saying such stupid shit?
Good question, I reckon it's a serious issue when you have a candidate who regularly makes outrageous comments, some of which directly contradict their own platform. How do you cover something that you don't even know is 'sarcastic' or a genuine statement?

For my news coverage, I try to steer clear of sources that lean too much to the left or to the right, so a lot of my latest updates come from many foreign news networks who don't have a clear agenda. Norwegian news tend to offer decent insight, and then I turn to podcasts like NPR Politics, FiveThirtyEight, Slate's Political Gabfest (somewhat more left-leaning, but they don't shove their views down the listener's earholes. Plus, John Dickerson is a treat to listen to), and Vox's The Weeds (very, very geeky, some of the discussions on economical issues go over my head). I also enjoy Buzzfeed's No One Knows Anything and Politico's 2016 Nerdcast.
Have a chuckle!

Aaron Blake–
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Actual Giuliani quote about Trump's speech last night: "I think this is the best speech that any Republican, at the least, has ever given."
8:46 AM - 17 Aug 2016

The Gettysburg Address and Abe's 2nd inaugural were, relatively, shit.

Not that the Republican Party of the 1860s is in any way comparable to the Republican Party of the 2010s. Republic vs Democrat is the wrong binary, one that's misleading and destructive. Better to go with Conservative vs Liberal or, through most of American history, North vs South.
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