OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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GOP lawmaker: Accusations against Jim Jordan come from ‘deep state’

"Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) on Wednesday said members of the so-called "deep state" are behind the allegations that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) turned a blind eye to sexual abuse while he was an Ohio State wrestling coach. "

"I think there are people that have some loose affiliation with the deep state that are out to get Jim Jordan," Gaetz told Lou Dobbs on his Fox Business show on Wednesday. "This is the way they’re manifesting their hatred for a man that is doing everything to fight for the regular folks in this country."

elected officials that espouse this "deep state" bullshit should be removed from office. there is NO ghost in the machine.
if there really WERE a deep state, trump would be in prison by now, or worse.

Rosenstein is a republican, Mueller is a republican, Comey is a republican. and the entrenched GOP'ers just can not stand the fact that they are/were doing their JOBS and not towing the party line, so GOP sycophants invent this deep state bullshit. there is no deep state. only professionals doing their jobs.
Nothing to do with Trump. I was just pointing out that Pope Francis was commenting that a Christian's priority must be people, not profits.

It’s a little too easy to take what Pope Francis says and condemn the usual suspects: investment bankers, venture capitalists, and hedge fund managers. Instead, Pope Francis is drawing attention to how many of us in the developed world—from Asia through Europe to North and South America—are privileged in ways that we often do not realize.

In coming to the United States, Pope Francis is going to ask all of us to recognize the suffering of millions of people we don’t see—people we don’t see because they are hidden from us, or because we quickly look away.

Then Pope Francis will ask us Americans—individually and collectively—to take a hard look in the mirror and to be honest about what we see.
GOP lawmaker: Accusations against Jim Jordan come from ‘deep state’

"Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) on Wednesday said members of the so-called "deep state" are behind the allegations that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) turned a blind eye to sexual abuse while he was an Ohio State wrestling coach. "

"I think there are people that have some loose affiliation with the deep state that are out to get Jim Jordan," Gaetz told Lou Dobbs on his Fox Business show on Wednesday. "This is the way they’re manifesting their hatred for a man that is doing everything to fight for the regular folks in this country."

elected officials that espouse this "deep state" bullshit should be removed from office. there is NO ghost in the machine.
if there really WERE a deep state, trump would be in prison by now, or worse.

Rosenstein is a republican, Mueller is a republican, Comey is a republican. and the entrenched GOP'ers just can not stand the fact that they are/were doing their JOBS and not towing the party line, so GOP sycophants invent this deep state bullshit. there is no deep state. only professionals doing their jobs.
Yes, the "Deep State" is one of the weakest, most hare-brained tinfoil hat excuses that these guys use to defend their idiocy. Anyone who believes in that stuff shouldn't even be allowed to manage a Gap store or a McDonald's, much less hold public office in any capacity.

“No, the disgrace is what this man has done to our justice system!” Gohmert cried out, before turning back to Strzok. “I can’t help but wonder when I see you looking there with a little smirk, how many times did you look so innocent into your wife’s eyes and lie to her about Lisa Page?”

Democrats on the panel erupted.

“This is insane!” one shouted.

“Do you need your medication?” shouted another.

Strzok was eventually allowed to respond: “The fact that you would question whether or not that was the sort of look I would engage with a family member I have acknowledged hurting goes more to a discussion about your character and what you stand and what is going on inside you for than it does me.”

“No, the disgrace is what this man has done to our justice system!” Gohmert cried out, before turning back to Strzok. “I can’t help but wonder when I see you looking there with a little smirk, how many times did you look so innocent into your wife’s eyes and lie to her about Lisa Page?”

Democrats on the panel erupted.

“This is insane!” one shouted.

“Do you need your medication?” shouted another.

Strzok was eventually allowed to respond: “The fact that you would question whether or not that was the sort of look I would engage with a family member I have acknowledged hurting goes more to a discussion about your character and what you stand and what is going on inside you for than it does me.”
Speaking of disgrace, what about every single GOP member who acts smug, indignant, or anything else besides deeply ashamed as they continue to protect and defend this horrible caricature of a president and his administration?
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