OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Let the name of Obama be stricken from every book and tablet, stricken from all pylons and obelisks, stricken from every monument of 'Murica. Let the name of Obama be unheard and unspoken, erased from the memory of men for all time.

So let it be written, so let it be done.


If they did that, who would they have to blame?

'Thanks, Killery' doesn't have the same ring to it.
Oh, shit. The Senate confirmed Benczkowski this afternoon on a 51-48 vote.

Why Trump’s choice to lead the DOJ’s criminal division is so controversial

A number of Democrats issued statements on Tuesday raising red flags about the nomination of Brian Benczkowski to lead the Department of Justice’s criminal division. They cited his lack of prosecutorial experience, as well as his ties to a Russian bank called Alfa Bank, which had a bit of a public-relations problem after it was featured prominently in the Steele dossier on Trump’s alleged connections with Russia.

Wait, there's more:

If he’s confirmed, as appears likely, Benczkowski will, among other things, be in a line of succession to oversee Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation if Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein ever gets fired or quits – and Benczkowski hasn’t committed to recusing himself from matters related to the probe into the Russia scandal.
Let the name of Obama be stricken from every book and tablet, stricken from all pylons and obelisks, stricken from every monument of 'Murica. Let the name of Obama be unheard and unspoken, erased from the memory of men for all time.

So let it be written, so let it be done.


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Oh, shit. The Senate confirmed Benczkowski this afternoon on a 51-48 vote.

Why Trump’s choice to lead the DOJ’s criminal division is so controversial

A number of Democrats issued statements on Tuesday raising red flags about the nomination of Brian Benczkowski to lead the Department of Justice’s criminal division. They cited his lack of prosecutorial experience, as well as his ties to a Russian bank called Alfa Bank, which had a bit of a public-relations problem after it was featured prominently in the Steele dossier on Trump’s alleged connections with Russia.

Wait, there's more:

If he’s confirmed, as appears likely, Benczkowski will, among other things, be in a line of succession to oversee Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation if Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein ever gets fired or quits – and Benczkowski hasn’t committed to recusing himself from matters related to the probe into the Russia scandal.

Maybe not. Just because his new guy believes in executive immunity doesn’t mean that the rest of the conservative court does. I think he’ll keep playing it safe and wait to throw pardons around if it looks like people are going to talk.
and that is exactly why Mueller is working with state A.G.'s.
pardons don't work on state charges. i'm fairly certain Mueller has worked out at least one major charge that a state A.G. can throw down, if pardons start flying around.
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This overt flaunting of grift, greed, and total disdain for the Constitution and the law has reached a level of absurdity that can only be described as a case of mass Stockholm Syndrome.

The number of blind eyes being turned to this boldly "in your face" tyranny and corruption is unfathomable. Nearly half of a nation of 330,000,000+ has blinders on, or are complicit by supporting this rapid descent into a nation closer to pre-war Germany than even the worst case scenario imaginable for "America".

This isn't just unprecedented, it's batshit crazy. I'm seriously wondering if we haven't gone well beyond the point of no return. What's being done in the halls of D.C. can not simply be undone by an administration change etc. At least not in a time frame not measured in decades.

This shit is totally out of control.

I am legitimately scared for our future.
This overt flaunting of grift, greed, and total disdain for the Constitution and the law has reached a level of absurdity that can only be described as a case of mass Stockholm Syndrome.

The number of blind eyes being turned to this boldly "in your face" tyranny and corruption is unfathomable. Nearly half of a nation of 330,000,000+ has blinders on, or are complicit by supporting this rapid descent into a nation closer to pre-war Germany than even the worst case scenario imaginable for "America".

This isn't just unprecedented, it's batshit crazy. I'm seriously wondering if we haven't gone well beyond the point of no return. What's being done in the halls of D.C. can not simply be undone by an administration change etc. At least not in a time frame not measured in decades.

This shit is totally out of control.

I am legitimately scared for our future.

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