OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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That came out a couple days ago (7/10) and NBC recanted it. I wish they'd stop doing this kind of stuff.
ya know, i want Mueller & Co. to be as thorough as possible and find all the evidence and everything, but at some point he's gonna have to drop the hammer.

Mueller asks court for 100 more blank subpoenas ahead of Manafort trial

"Special counsel Robert Mueller is asking a federal court in Virginia for 100 blank subpoenas in the case against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

The request was made in a filing on Wednesday. The subpoenas would require their recipients to testify in the U.S. District Court in Alexandria on July 25, when Manafort's trial in Virginia is set to begin.

No further information was provided in the filing, and a spokesman for the special counsel declined to comment on the request."
Trump To Be Greeted In England By 650-Foot Crop Circle With A Very Rude Message

Donald Trump may not want to look out the window as he passes over the English countryside later this week.

An artist has turned part of a field at Moat Farm in Stoke Mandeville into a 650-foot crop circle with “Fuck Trump” written in Russian, according to local newspaper Bucks Herald.

The Herald said the crop circle should be visible from the president’s chopper as he flies to a meeting with Prime Minister Theresa May at Chequers, the premier’s country home. "

so, this AND the giant trump baby baloon. wow, they really like him there.
so sad that we, here, don't have the balls to do the same.

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they recanted it or were threatened out of it?
It all started with a Twitter post from NBC's Leigh Ann Caldwell (referenced in Abramson's tweet, @LACaldwellDC). She later qualified the post by adding a second tweet:


You'd think journalists would learn from what happened at Rolling Stone a while back about trusting a single, unverified source. Folks will believe what they want to believe I suppose.
That came out a couple days ago (7/10) and NBC recanted it. I wish they'd stop doing this kind of stuff.

Hey now, if Fox News can still talk about Obama being born in Kenya can't the left have this?


I am kidding of course, I wish news outlets would actually get the story right the first time and stop all of this nonsense.
Hey now, if Fox News can still talk about Obama being born in Kenya can't the left have this?


I am kidding of course, I wish news outlets would actually get the story right the first time and stop all of this nonsense.
Exactly...and not just with political stuff, it's everywhere. In today's 24 hour news cycle, reporters are under such pressure to get the scoop that integrity sometimes goes by the wayside.
Oh mercy, I think I may have peed a little I was laughing so hard.

I'm sure you've all seen the video of John Kelly looking like he'd rather be anywhere on earth while his idiot boss spouts off about Russia controlling Germany at the NATO breakfast. Sarah Sanders released a statement that Kelly was not, in fact, upset about his idiot boss, but rather upset because he was expecting a full breakfast, and only got pastries.

Yes, I'm quite sure a marine of 40 years is going to get his panties in a wad over breakfast.

You just can't make this shit up.

BTW, had I read that headline without knowing where it came from, I'd have bet money it was an Onion article. One truly cannot distinguish real life from satire anymore.
Oh mercy, I think I may have peed a little I was laughing so hard.

I'm sure you've all seen the video of John Kelly looking like he'd rather be anywhere on earth while his idiot boss spouts off about Russia controlling Germany at the NATO breakfast. Sarah Sanders released a statement that Kelly was not, in fact, upset about his idiot boss, but rather upset because he was expecting a full breakfast, and only got pastries.

Yes, I'm quite sure a marine of 40 years is going to get his panties in a wad over breakfast.

You just can't make this shit up.

BTW, had I read that headline without knowing where it came from, I'd have bet money it was an Onion article. One truly cannot distinguish real life from satire anymore.

trump and sanders are a lot like Laurel & Hardy......except they're not funny.
Oh mercy, I think I may have peed a little I was laughing so hard.

I'm sure you've all seen the video of John Kelly looking like he'd rather be anywhere on earth while his idiot boss spouts off about Russia controlling Germany at the NATO breakfast. Sarah Sanders released a statement that Kelly was not, in fact, upset about his idiot boss, but rather upset because he was expecting a full breakfast, and only got pastries.

Yes, I'm quite sure a marine of 40 years is going to get his panties in a wad over breakfast.

You just can't make this shit up.

BTW, had I read that headline without knowing where it came from, I'd have bet money it was an Onion article. One truly cannot distinguish real life from satire anymore.

One of their best excuses yet, right up there with "we were meeting with the Russians to discuss helping orphans."

Older article, but I am sure his opinion has not changed. Couple things that were of interest to me:

Not only is Francis familiar with Latin America’s colonial history, he’s seen first hand the great gap that exists between the rich and poor in many Latin American countries. As an Argentinian, Pope Francis remembers well the Argentine “great depression” of 1998-2003 that saw widespread unemployment and riots in the streets as the peso collapsed and Argentina defaulted on its debt. As a Jesuit, Francis has been formed by a religious order that is often on the cutting edge of Catholic responses to pressing social problems. Not all Jesuits are radical, of course, but there always has been a strong tradition of social activism in Jesuit circles. (I knew the Jesuit part from my high school experience and marches led by Jesuits on Bangor, expectation to give to and work with the poor in our economically depressed town, etc.)

Pope Francis’s main criticisms of capitalism come under two headings: exclusion and idolatry.

One of his major concerns is that contemporary capitalist systems create an “economy of exclusion.” By this he means that full participation in capitalism is often limited to the few—and so only a small minority can enjoy its benefits. For evidence of this, one need look no further than the widespread inequality in many “developed” countries.

But Pope Francis also goes further and calls profit-making “idolatry.” Idolatry, simply put, is setting up something—or someone —other than God as God. The prime image of this in the Judeo-Christian tradition is the golden calf worshipped by Israelites, as told in the book of Exodus.

Totally agree on the first point. Second point is interesting. Describing over-reliance/emphasis on profit motive as idolatry seems accurate.

And I will leave this here.

So, in that sense, Pope Francis is not a socialist or communist—he’s simply being Catholic.

It is true, however, that Pope John Paul II had a more favorable view of the market than Pope Francis does. And in some Catholic circles, Pope Francis has been heavily criticized for not appreciating how capitalism does indeed metaphorically “raise all boats” by making the water level higher. If critics have labeled Pope Francis as naïve or simplistic in his economic thinking, the Pontiff has lambasted visions of “trickle down economic” growth as being truly naïve, especially considering the reality of human sinfulness.
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