OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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This is one of the more fucked up things I’ve read this year. And that’s really saying something.
I read that last night. This right here is truly enraging and embarrassing as an American citizen. These are people who willing to commit much more than Cadet Bonespurs ever did towards the defense of this country and they are getting fucked. Just fucked for no reason other than racism.

lol. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. You know you are a real asshole when almost an entire continent bans you. Good luck with that "appeal". Not sure who he would appeal to as the Schengen zone is a visa free travel zone program of the European Economic Council with a number of participating independent states, and doesn't supersede the laws of member states. I really doubt many countries here are going to warm to the appeal of a racist asshole. His American concept of "free speech" and the protections therein do not extend beyond the US border. Where I live hosting a white supremacist rally, being a nazi, inciting racism, and denying the holocaust will get you arrested and sent to prison for three years. His "presumption of innocence" and "due process" concepts also don't apply here, so the government will just tell him to fuck off and not allow him in the country simply because he has been a douchebag in the past and is therefore likely to be a douchebag in the future.

One can blame Trump for this, and he certainly deserves it with his spite on the gateway plan, but the entire issue represents the bigger problem of US politicians not reinvesting in infrastructure improvements. Gas tax money is pilfered and not spent on roads, the bridges and highways are literally falling apart, and the concept of actually building NEW things is all but impossible. I'm not sure when this all started to go wrong, but it is now at the breaking point where it is having a real impact on the economy. Even in the light of the realization that this stuff is critical, politicians still seem incapable of action and would rather sell the next great tax cut to the masses.
One can blame Trump for this, and he certainly deserves it with his spite on the gateway plan, but the entire issue represents the bigger problem of US politicians not reinvesting in infrastructure improvements. Gas tax money is pilfered and not spent on roads, the bridges and highways are literally falling apart, and the concept of actually building NEW things is all but impossible. I'm not sure when this all started to go wrong, but it is now at the breaking point where it is having a real impact on the economy. Even in the light of the realization that this stuff is critical, politicians still seem incapable of action and would rather sell the next great tax cut to the masses.

I do think the article does a good job of telling the larger story.

This November I’ll be in the position to vote for the continuation of a gas tax in my new home of California. The state has a surplus and they’re actually using the tax for infrastructure. Seems like a good investment.
I do think the article does a good job of telling the larger story.

This November I’ll be in the position to vote for the continuation of a gas tax in my new home of California. The state has a surplus and they’re actually using the tax for infrastructure. Seems like a good investment.
Not if you talk to a red voter here. "They need to raise taxes to cover the moeny the already stole"
This November I’ll be in the position to vote for the continuation of a gas tax in my new home of California. The state has a surplus and they’re actually using the tax for infrastructure. Seems like a good investment.
Not if you talk to a red voter here. "They need to raise taxes to cover the moeny the already stole"
Yep. All the local repubs are constantly bitching about it.
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