OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Senate panel upholds finding that Russia backed Trump, contradicting House

"The Senate Intelligence Committee has unequivocally upheld the conclusion of the intelligence community that Russia developed a "clear preference" for then-candidate Donald Trump in the 2016 election and sought to help him win the White House. "

"The assessment, announced in an unclassified summary released Tuesday, represents a direct repudiation of the committee’s counterpart in the House — and of President Trump himself, who has consistently rejected assertions that Moscow sought to bolster his candidacy through its election interference. "

“The Committee has spent the last 16 months reviewing the sources, tradecraft and analytic work underpinning the Intelligence Community Assessment and sees no reason to dispute the conclusions,” said Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.) said in a statement. "

"In yet another contradiction to Trump allies claims, the Senate panel also found that a piece of Democratic-funded opposition research known as the Steele dossier did not "in any way inform the analysis in the ICA — including the key findings."

'This was "because it was unverified information and had not been disseminated as serialized intelligence reporting," the Senate report found. "

"All in all, the Senate panel's report was a unflinching contradiction of many of the core claims made by Trump allies in the House. "
Oh, I thought you found that in Texas.
Almost the same thing these days.
So many pots-O-gold!

"Dear Ma,
We defeated the red hats today by accurate bombardment of correctly placed apostrophes onto their misspelled signage. They retreated in confusion and some shame."

"Captured at Bowling Green. In tolerably good health. Avocado hardtack rations meager and chicory covfefe drunk cold to avoid microwave surveillance. Capt. Kardashian to negotiate prisoner exchange."

"Dearest Wife,
Please allow me to unburden my soul. Earlier, at the Battle of Two Scoops, I killed an enemy soldier, a young lad who could not have been a day over 19. His last words shall haunt me for the rest of my life: “Womp Womp.”

"My Dearest,
Today we captured many Red Hats after the Bowling Green Massacre. We are keeping them well fed on a diet of Mexican food and gay wedding cake."
One more I saw somewhere else.

So many pots-O-gold!

"Dear Ma,
We defeated the red hats today by accurate bombardment of correctly placed apostrophes onto their misspelled signage. They retreated in confusion and some shame."

"Captured at Bowling Green. In tolerably good health. Avocado hardtack rations meager and chicory covfefe drunk cold to avoid microwave surveillance. Capt. Kardashian to negotiate prisoner exchange."

"Dearest Wife,
Please allow me to unburden my soul. Earlier, at the Battle of Two Scoops, I killed an enemy soldier, a young lad who could not have been a day over 19. His last words shall haunt me for the rest of my life: “Womp Womp.”

"My Dearest,
Today we captured many Red Hats after the Bowling Green Massacre. We are keeping them well fed on a diet of Mexican food and gay wedding cake."

Dear Maw and Paw,

Been captured by the blue wave.

They fed me, clothed me, got me medical attention, and are teaching me to read. Total monsters...

Your son,
Billy Bob

And they increasingly say the Republican Party is a better steward of the economy.

Perhaps the closer you are to your belief in Santa Claus, the more susceptible you are to unsupported fictional bullshit of all stripes.
Democratic Presidents Manage the Economy Better Than Republicans
  • Politifact truth-o-meter: Stock Market does better under Democratic Presidents than Republican Presidents
  • Nine of the last ten recessions have occurred under Republican Presidents.
  • Democratic presidents create nearly twice as many jobs per year as Republican Presidents.
  • Republican presidents' deficits are 25% larger than Democrats' and 63% higher as a percent of GDP.
  • GDP grows 44% faster under Democratic Presidents.
  • Business investment has grown twice as fast under Democratic Presidents than under Republican Presidents.
  • Forbes (11/7/16): The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats
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