RickyVo, I think you are mistaking my willingness to consider that conservatism has a clear (apocalyptic, zero sum, Satanic) world view with a belief in that world view. Similarly, I think you are mistaking the fact that I don’t see similar clarity on the part of the Democrats as some kind of betrayal on my part.
If anything, I’m mostly disappointed in the DNC for carrying water for the Wall Street and Eastern Establishment types who jumped over to the Democrats sometime around the Clinton administration. An effective, meaningful Democrat party would fully embrace Black Lives Matter, make diversity and full legal equality a central part of the message, shore up labor rights, push for a single-payer health care solution, rally around a social safety net free of means tests, work-fare provisions, and poverty-shaming, campaign on gradual demilitarization (at home and abroad), and push for meaningful student/worker/citizen protections in all sectors while stripping corporations of the rights of political personhood.
This is the beginning of a real platform that can get people excited. But it would horrify the donors and all the entrenched power structures that must be courted to mount national campaigns. Whereas “not as racist and tacky as Trump” is a low bar to clear and a lot easier why to organize a party that wants to accept big money from the financial sector and big oil and big healthcare.