Let's remember some GJ guys

His extended scale guitars were cool

Yeah. He was a 7-string player who idolized George Van Eps, who played an extended-scale custom Gretsch with extremely heavy strings tuned GDGCFAD, and whose sound was like a dark and smoky muted piano.

So, after buying and flipping about every 7-string on the market, including all of the nu-metal models, and being dissatisfied, he started his own company. But his original plan — the 27” neck 7-string — was not one of his more successful models.
Yeah. He was a 7-string player who idolized George Van Eps, who played an extended-scale custom Gretsch with extremely heavy strings tuned GDGCFAD.

So, after buying and flipping about every 7-string on the market, including all of the nu-metal models, and being dissatisfied, he started his own company. But his original plan — the 27” neck 7-string — was not one of his more successful models.

I think he's still flipping guitars. He's like Jazztixboi1.
I met up with eloydrummerboy(?) and some other forumite in DC about 10 years ago. He was active here too for a while, wasn't he?
I met up with eloydrummerboy(?) and some other forumite in DC about 10 years ago. He was active here too for a while, wasn't he?

yeah eloy was here. He went to all the Prageatock and all the barnstorms, until his wife had a baby.

too bad I was in Jacksonville 10 years ago.
I remember a couple of trolls that came and went.......Splawndarts was one...Darial too. There was a third that escapes me.
There was another guy that had a joke thread running... Saul t Nads. I never posted in any of his threads, but it was hilarious.
Ahhh yeah Smokey, not Stoney! He was cool

The ape/simian guy is sorta tickling a bell in the back of my head and is going to drive me nuts... Vikipaaaaydia

I suppose now is as good a time as any, but Smokey_McPot was my alt.

Sorry @Theodore, I remember you straight up asked me in PMs a long, long time ago and I denied it. I lied.

Also, tompetty of all people accused me too. I wouldn't normally think he would be perceptive. *spits*.
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Flamencomonk was a nice fellow.

The one I really wish I'd kept in touch with was Monson. We used to play Company of Heroes together online almost every day for a long time. I think I'd have finished my PhD a year earlier if I hadn't played that game. :embarrassed:
So, after buying and flipping about every 7-string on the market, including all of the nu-metal models, and being dissatisfied, he started his own company. But his original plan — the 27” neck 7-string — was not one of his more successful models.

I wouldn't be so negative. Wes Powell bought one.
mormon gent from exurban Chicago who lived in nova and socal and went by MTC at another place whose original name I can't remember.

Lots of very specific geographical and demographic references... especially about LA. Posted regularly. Nobody? *spits* Know his real name and everything else, just can't remember his original username.
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