Let's remember some GJ guys

never knew if it was an alt or an actual person

I think he was a genuine, single-account guy.

One of the things about being a mod was we were able to see the IP addresses of users, so it was pretty obvious when people had multiple accounts. Of course, the full-time banned troll types often used proxies, but most people didn't go to that effort.
I met SirGarrotte on there. He was a composer and taught in California before giving that up and going into arts administration and moving to NYC. We met up in Cleveland many years ago when he was attending a composer's workshop. Nice guy, and we still keep in touch!
I suppose now is as good a time as any, but Smokey_McPot was my alt.

Sorry @Theodore, I remember you straight up asked me in PMs a long, long time ago and I denied it. I lied.

Also, tompetty of all people accused me too. I wouldn't normally think he would be perceptive. *spits*.
I don't think I had an inkling at the time, but this 200% makes sense
I met SirGarrotte on there. He was a composer and taught in California before giving that up and going into arts administration and moving to NYC. We met up in Cleveland many years ago when he was attending a composer's workshop. Nice guy, and we still keep in touch!
I remember SG....about three years after he left and stopped posting he pm'd me just to say hi and see what was up....he was a nice guy indeed. i think he stopped posting when he moved to NYC.
what about that guy Dan ...he was a stoner dude from canada i think...drank a lot of Absinthe if I remember right
Don't know about the ex-wife thing, but IIRC, he died a few years ago (five?) He used to show up on HCAG and after that the Acoustic Guitar Forum. He was a decent guy.
He was apparently known for raging in PP, but he was a super genial guy in every interaction I had with him. He gave me a lot of great advice on several occasions. I have no recollection of an ex wife.