Funny how things work out...(HC Content)

Help! I just ate some KFC, played my guitar, and now my guitar smells like fried chicken. What should I do?

The first post I ever read on GJ back in 2001.

And there was some dude there named ASSFACE that hung out on the Maps forum. The good ol' days.
I don't expect anyone to...even with the reduced traffic there its a nice opportunity for me but I'm not going recruiting for the site or anything esle. Just participating a bit and seeing what happens.

Just ban everyone who posts in EG without warning.
If I wanted to to have the same gut wrenching feeling as on HCGJ I would just go into the 450+ pages of the MWGL political thread and spew how I support Trump.

I'll stay out of both thank you.

Good luck going back Mr. Wein. Just remember, Van Halen invited David back and that ended well.:madpoke:
Good on you for the added gig, but I'd sooner push a cold soldering iron tip deep into my dickhole, turn it on, and let it warm all the way up to 750 degrees than to set foot in HC again.
Wow...That sounds great...

Remember that vid you posted when you went to a football field?

How about the wangcaster??

You're getting too old and losing parts of our memory...

My favorite HCEG crapshow was when you could post a new thread that no one could go into... only the title was visible.

It was like Twitter, but dumber.
Just dont go off topic, or disagree with one of the regulars, or criticise anyone, or question anyone, or make anyone feel uncomfortable or most importantly dont joke or have a laugh. Keep it dry, boring and make the advice incorrect and you will be fine.
If HCEG was any good Mark we wouldnt be here. Most moved because they were driven away by over modding or sh1te technology and found a new home here. Why try and lead people back? I'm confused.
Just dont go off topic, or disagree with one of the regulars, or criticise anyone, or question anyone, or make anyone feel uncomfortable or most importantly dont joke or have a laugh. Keep it dry, boring and make the advice incorrect and you will be fine.
If HCEG was any good Mark we wouldnt be here. Most moved because they were driven away by over modding or sh1te technology and found a new home here. Why try and lead people back? I'm confused.
Well, I was told to be myself. I don't think they really care about "leading people back" as much as just stirring the pot for conversation and having more new content in the forum for those who are there on a regular basis. And to induce the lurkers to jump in if possible. If folks don't enjoy my contributions then thats fine too and I can not bother. We'll see how it goes....
Well, I was told to be myself. I don't think they really care about "leading people back" as much as just stirring the pot for conversation and having more new content in the forum for those who are there on a regular basis. And to induce the lurkers to jump in if possible. If folks don't enjoy my contributions then thats fine too and I can not bother. We'll see how it goes....
I hope it works out for you. Personally I no longer feel valued or welcome there so I will stick to reading your words of wisdom here.:thu:
Hehe :)

Originally Posted by eloydrummerboy

On average woodchucks weigh 4.5 - 9 lbs. I weigh 160 lbs and when I just started, I could maybe drink 7 beers and be pretty drunk. Chugging, will get you drunk faster so I'm saying I could have chugged 5 beers. Using the beer to weight relationships that have been taught to me in drivers education, we derive the equation 160/9 = 5/x. Solving for X we can estimate that if a woodchuck could chug bud, he'd be able to chug .28 Buds before passing out and getting drawn on by fellow woodchucks.